* * ###_AUTHOR_### */ $sLangName = 'English'; $aLang = array( 'charset' => 'UTF-8', 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_tinyMceMain' => 'module settings', 'SHOP_MODULE_aTinyMCE_classes' => '

Enable TinyMCE For This Backend Views

', 'HELP_SHOP_MODULE_aTinyMCE_classes' => 'if you want to use TinyMCE for your custom views, add here the view\'s class name, then textareas should become editor instances', 'SHOP_MODULE_aTinyMCE_plaincms' => '

Plain Text CMS pages

TinyMCE will not apper for this cms pages. e.g: Plaintext Emails, Email subjects, etc', 'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_tinyMceSettings' => 'TinyMCE Settings & Plugins', 'SHOP_MODULE_aTinyMCE_config_override' => '

Custom Editor Configuration (?)

e.g. for external plugins or to overwrite default configuration
parameter => "value" (with quotes, if required!)', 'SHOP_MODULE_aTinyMCE_buttons' => '

Toolbar Buttons (?)

'. 'only for core toolbar controls and buttons for custom and external plugins!
Buttons for standard plugins will be displayd if the plugin is active.
See the help popup for the default value of this setting', 'HELP_SHOP_MODULE_aTinyMCE_buttons' => "", 'SHOP_MODULE_aTinyMCE_plugins' => '

Active Editor Plugins (?)

enter here the default plugins you want to be enabled
See the help popup for the default value of this setting', 'HELP_SHOP_MODULE_aTinyMCE_plugins' => "", 'SHOP_MODULE_aTinyMCE_external_plugins' => '

External Plugins (?)

pluginname => plugin_path/or/url/plugin.js', 'hdi_tinymce_plaincms' => 'TinyMCE was deactivated from this page because it may not contain HTML code' );