2013-07-30 13:04:00 +02:00

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* Env.js
* Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
* Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
* This class contains various environment constrants like browser versions etc.
* Normally you don't want to sniff specific browser versions but sometimes you have
* to when it's impossible to feature detect. So use this with care.
* @class tinymce.Env
* @static
define("tinymce/Env", [], function() {
var nav = navigator, userAgent = nav.userAgent;
var opera, webkit, ie, gecko, mac, iDevice;
opera = window.opera && window.opera.buildNumber;
webkit = /WebKit/.test(userAgent);
ie = !webkit && !opera && (/MSIE/gi).test(userAgent) && (/Explorer/gi).test(nav.appName);
ie = ie && /MSIE (\w+)\./.exec(userAgent)[1];
gecko = !webkit && /Gecko/.test(userAgent);
mac = userAgent.indexOf('Mac') != -1;
iDevice = /(iPad|iPhone)/.test(userAgent);
// Is a iPad/iPhone and not on iOS5 sniff the WebKit version since older iOS WebKit versions
// says it has contentEditable support but there is no visible caret.
var contentEditable = !iDevice || userAgent.match(/AppleWebKit\/(\d*)/)[1] >= 534;
return {
* Constant that is true if the browser is Opera.
* @property opera
* @type Boolean
* @final
opera: opera,
* Constant that is true if the browser is WebKit (Safari/Chrome).
* @property webKit
* @type Boolean
* @final
webkit: webkit,
* Constant that is more than zero if the browser is IE.
* @property ie
* @type Boolean
* @final
ie: ie,
* Constant that is true if the browser is Gecko.
* @property gecko
* @type Boolean
* @final
gecko: gecko,
* Constant that is true if the os is Mac OS.
* @property mac
* @type Boolean
* @final
mac: mac,
* Constant that is true if the os is iOS.
* @property iOS
* @type Boolean
* @final
iOS: iDevice,
* Constant that is true if the browser supports editing.
* @property contentEditable
* @type Boolean
* @final
contentEditable: contentEditable,
* Transparent image data url.
* @property transparentSrc
* @type Boolean
* @final
transparentSrc: "",
* Returns true/false if the browser can or can't place the caret after a inline block like an image.
* @property noCaretAfter
* @type Boolean
* @final
caretAfter: ie != 8,
* Constant that is true if the browser supports native DOM Ranges. IE 9+.
* @property range
* @type Boolean
range: window.getSelection && "Range" in window,
* Returns the IE document mode for non IE browsers this will fake IE 10.
* @property documentMode
* @type Number
documentMode: ie ? (document.documentMode || 7) : 10