2013-07-25 23:50:43 +02:00

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Executable File

* Styles.js
* Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
* Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
* This class is used to parse CSS styles it also compresses styles to reduce the output size.
* @example
* var Styles = new tinymce.html.Styles({
* url_converter: function(url) {
* return url;
* }
* });
* styles = Styles.parse('border: 1px solid red');
* styles.color = 'red';
* console.log(new tinymce.html.StyleSerializer().serialize(styles));
* @class tinymce.html.Styles
* @version 3.4
define("tinymce/html/Styles", [], function() {
return function(settings, schema) {
/*jshint maxlen:255 */
var rgbRegExp = /rgb\s*\(\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*\)/gi,
urlOrStrRegExp = /(?:url(?:(?:\(\s*\"([^\"]+)\"\s*\))|(?:\(\s*\'([^\']+)\'\s*\))|(?:\(\s*([^)\s]+)\s*\))))|(?:\'([^\']+)\')|(?:\"([^\"]+)\")/gi,
styleRegExp = /\s*([^:]+):\s*([^;]+);?/g,
trimRightRegExp = /\s+$/,
undef, i, encodingLookup = {}, encodingItems, invisibleChar = '\uFEFF';
settings = settings || {};
encodingItems = ('\\" \\\' \\; \\: ; : ' + invisibleChar).split(' ');
for (i = 0; i < encodingItems.length; i++) {
encodingLookup[encodingItems[i]] = invisibleChar + i;
encodingLookup[invisibleChar + i] = encodingItems[i];
function toHex(match, r, g, b) {
function hex(val) {
val = parseInt(val, 10).toString(16);
return val.length > 1 ? val : '0' + val; // 0 -> 00
return '#' + hex(r) + hex(g) + hex(b);
return {
* Parses the specified RGB color value and returns a hex version of that color.
* @method toHex
* @param {String} color RGB string value like rgb(1,2,3)
* @return {String} Hex version of that RGB value like #FF00FF.
toHex: function(color) {
return color.replace(rgbRegExp, toHex);
* Parses the specified style value into an object collection. This parser will also
* merge and remove any redundant items that browsers might have added. It will also convert non hex
* colors to hex values. Urls inside the styles will also be converted to absolute/relative based on settings.
* @method parse
* @param {String} css Style value to parse for example: border:1px solid red;.
* @return {Object} Object representation of that style like {border: '1px solid red'}
parse: function(css) {
var styles = {}, matches, name, value, isEncoded, urlConverter = settings.url_converter, urlConverterScope = settings.url_converter_scope || this;
function compress(prefix, suffix) {
var top, right, bottom, left;
// Get values and check it it needs compressing
top = styles[prefix + '-top' + suffix];
if (!top) {
right = styles[prefix + '-right' + suffix];
if (top != right) {
bottom = styles[prefix + '-bottom' + suffix];
if (right != bottom) {
left = styles[prefix + '-left' + suffix];
if (bottom != left) {
// Compress
styles[prefix + suffix] = left;
delete styles[prefix + '-top' + suffix];
delete styles[prefix + '-right' + suffix];
delete styles[prefix + '-bottom' + suffix];
delete styles[prefix + '-left' + suffix];
* Checks if the specific style can be compressed in other words if all border-width are equal.
function canCompress(key) {
var value = styles[key], i;
if (!value || value.indexOf(' ') < 0) {
value = value.split(' ');
i = value.length;
while (i--) {
if (value[i] !== value[0]) {
return false;
styles[key] = value[0];
return true;
* Compresses multiple styles into one style.
function compress2(target, a, b, c) {
if (!canCompress(a)) {
if (!canCompress(b)) {
if (!canCompress(c)) {
// Compress
styles[target] = styles[a] + ' ' + styles[b] + ' ' + styles[c];
delete styles[a];
delete styles[b];
delete styles[c];
// Encodes the specified string by replacing all \" \' ; : with _<num>
function encode(str) {
isEncoded = true;
return encodingLookup[str];
// Decodes the specified string by replacing all _<num> with it's original value \" \' etc
// It will also decode the \" \' if keep_slashes is set to fale or omitted
function decode(str, keep_slashes) {
if (isEncoded) {
str = str.replace(/\uFEFF[0-9]/g, function(str) {
return encodingLookup[str];
if (!keep_slashes) {
str = str.replace(/\\([\'\";:])/g, "$1");
return str;
function processUrl(match, url, url2, url3, str, str2) {
str = str || str2;
if (str) {
str = decode(str);
// Force strings into single quote format
return "'" + str.replace(/\'/g, "\\'") + "'";
url = decode(url || url2 || url3);
// Convert the URL to relative/absolute depending on config
if (urlConverter) {
url = urlConverter.call(urlConverterScope, url, 'style');
// Output new URL format
return "url('" + url.replace(/\'/g, "\\'") + "')";
if (css) {
// Encode \" \' % and ; and : inside strings so they don't interfere with the style parsing
css = css.replace(/\\[\"\';:\uFEFF]/g, encode).replace(/\"[^\"]+\"|\'[^\']+\'/g, function(str) {
return str.replace(/[;:]/g, encode);
// Parse styles
while ((matches = styleRegExp.exec(css))) {
name = matches[1].replace(trimRightRegExp, '').toLowerCase();
value = matches[2].replace(trimRightRegExp, '');
if (name && value.length > 0) {
// Opera will produce 700 instead of bold in their style values
if (name === 'font-weight' && value === '700') {
value = 'bold';
} else if (name === 'color' || name === 'background-color') { // Lowercase colors like RED
value = value.toLowerCase();
// Convert RGB colors to HEX
value = value.replace(rgbRegExp, toHex);
// Convert URLs and force them into url('value') format
value = value.replace(urlOrStrRegExp, processUrl);
styles[name] = isEncoded ? decode(value, true) : value;
styleRegExp.lastIndex = matches.index + matches[0].length;
// Compress the styles to reduce it's size for example IE will expand styles
compress("border", "");
compress("border", "-width");
compress("border", "-color");
compress("border", "-style");
compress("padding", "");
compress("margin", "");
compress2('border', 'border-width', 'border-style', 'border-color');
// Remove pointless border, IE produces these
if (styles.border === 'medium none') {
delete styles.border;
return styles;
* Serializes the specified style object into a string.
* @method serialize
* @param {Object} styles Object to serialize as string for example: {border: '1px solid red'}
* @param {String} element_name Optional element name, if specified only the styles that matches the schema will be serialized.
* @return {String} String representation of the style object for example: border: 1px solid red.
serialize: function(styles, element_name) {
var css = '', name, value;
function serializeStyles(name) {
var styleList, i, l, value;
styleList = schema.styles[name];
if (styleList) {
for (i = 0, l = styleList.length; i < l; i++) {
name = styleList[i];
value = styles[name];
if (value !== undef && value.length > 0) {
css += (css.length > 0 ? ' ' : '') + name + ': ' + value + ';';
// Serialize styles according to schema
if (element_name && schema && schema.styles) {
// Serialize global styles and element specific styles
} else {
// Output the styles in the order they are inside the object
for (name in styles) {
value = styles[name];
if (value !== undef && value.length > 0) {
css += (css.length > 0 ? ' ' : '') + name + ': ' + value + ';';
return css;