2013-07-25 23:50:43 +02:00

279 lines
7.2 KiB
Executable File

* DomTextMatcher.js
* Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
* Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
* This class logic for filtering text and matching words.
* @class tinymce.spellcheckerplugin.TextFilter
* @private
define("tinymce/spellcheckerplugin/DomTextMatcher", [], function() {
// Based on work developed by: James Padolsey http://james.padolsey.com
// released under UNLICENSE that is compatible with LGPL
// TODO: Handle contentEditable edgecase:
// <p>text<span contentEditable="false">text<span contentEditable="true">text</span>text</span>text</p>
return function(regex, node, schema) {
var m, matches = [], text, count = 0, doc;
var blockElementsMap, hiddenTextElementsMap, shortEndedElementsMap;
doc = node.ownerDocument;
blockElementsMap = schema.getBlockElements(); // H1-H6, P, TD etc
hiddenTextElementsMap = schema.getWhiteSpaceElements(); // TEXTAREA, PRE, STYLE, SCRIPT
shortEndedElementsMap = schema.getShortEndedElements(); // BR, IMG, INPUT
function getMatchIndexes(m) {
if (!m[0]) {
throw 'findAndReplaceDOMText cannot handle zero-length matches';
var index = m.index;
return [index, index + m[0].length, [m[0]]];
function getText(node) {
var txt;
if (node.nodeType === 3) {
return node.data;
if (hiddenTextElementsMap[node.nodeName]) {
return '';
txt = '';
if (blockElementsMap[node.nodeName] || shortEndedElementsMap[node.nodeName]) {
txt += '\n';
if ((node = node.firstChild)) {
do {
txt += getText(node);
} while ((node = node.nextSibling));
return txt;
function stepThroughMatches(node, matches, replaceFn) {
var startNode, endNode, startNodeIndex,
endNodeIndex, innerNodes = [], atIndex = 0, curNode = node,
matchLocation = matches.shift(), matchIndex = 0;
out: while (true) {
if (blockElementsMap[curNode.nodeName] || shortEndedElementsMap[curNode.nodeName]) {
if (curNode.nodeType === 3) {
if (!endNode && curNode.length + atIndex >= matchLocation[1]) {
// We've found the ending
endNode = curNode;
endNodeIndex = matchLocation[1] - atIndex;
} else if (startNode) {
// Intersecting node
if (!startNode && curNode.length + atIndex > matchLocation[0]) {
// We've found the match start
startNode = curNode;
startNodeIndex = matchLocation[0] - atIndex;
atIndex += curNode.length;
if (startNode && endNode) {
curNode = replaceFn({
startNode: startNode,
startNodeIndex: startNodeIndex,
endNode: endNode,
endNodeIndex: endNodeIndex,
innerNodes: innerNodes,
match: matchLocation[2],
matchIndex: matchIndex
// replaceFn has to return the node that replaced the endNode
// and then we step back so we can continue from the end of the
// match:
atIndex -= (endNode.length - endNodeIndex);
startNode = null;
endNode = null;
innerNodes = [];
matchLocation = matches.shift();
if (!matchLocation) {
break; // no more matches
} else if (!hiddenTextElementsMap[curNode.nodeName] && curNode.firstChild) {
// Move down
curNode = curNode.firstChild;
} else if (curNode.nextSibling) {
// Move forward:
curNode = curNode.nextSibling;
// Move forward or up:
while (true) {
if (curNode.nextSibling) {
curNode = curNode.nextSibling;
} else if (curNode.parentNode !== node) {
curNode = curNode.parentNode;
} else {
break out;
* Generates the actual replaceFn which splits up text nodes
* and inserts the replacement element.
function genReplacer(nodeName) {
var makeReplacementNode;
if (typeof nodeName != 'function') {
var stencilNode = nodeName.nodeType ? nodeName : doc.createElement(nodeName);
makeReplacementNode = function(fill, matchIndex) {
var clone = stencilNode.cloneNode(false);
clone.setAttribute('data-mce-index', matchIndex);
if (fill) {
return clone;
} else {
makeReplacementNode = nodeName;
return function replace(range) {
var before, after, parentNode, startNode = range.startNode,
endNode = range.endNode, matchIndex = range.matchIndex;
if (startNode === endNode) {
var node = startNode;
parentNode = node.parentNode;
if (range.startNodeIndex > 0) {
// Add `before` text node (before the match)
before = doc.createTextNode(node.data.substring(0, range.startNodeIndex));
parentNode.insertBefore(before, node);
// Create the replacement node:
var el = makeReplacementNode(range.match[0], matchIndex);
parentNode.insertBefore(el, node);
if (range.endNodeIndex < node.length) {
// Add `after` text node (after the match)
after = doc.createTextNode(node.data.substring(range.endNodeIndex));
parentNode.insertBefore(after, node);
return el;
} else {
// Replace startNode -> [innerNodes...] -> endNode (in that order)
before = doc.createTextNode(startNode.data.substring(0, range.startNodeIndex));
after = doc.createTextNode(endNode.data.substring(range.endNodeIndex));
var elA = makeReplacementNode(startNode.data.substring(range.startNodeIndex), matchIndex);
var innerEls = [];
for (var i = 0, l = range.innerNodes.length; i < l; ++i) {
var innerNode = range.innerNodes[i];
var innerEl = makeReplacementNode(innerNode.data, matchIndex);
innerNode.parentNode.replaceChild(innerEl, innerNode);
var elB = makeReplacementNode(endNode.data.substring(0, range.endNodeIndex), matchIndex);
parentNode = startNode.parentNode;
parentNode.insertBefore(before, startNode);
parentNode.insertBefore(elA, startNode);
parentNode = endNode.parentNode;
parentNode.insertBefore(elB, endNode);
parentNode.insertBefore(after, endNode);
return elB;
text = getText(node);
if (text && regex.global) {
while ((m = regex.exec(text))) {
function filter(callback) {
var filteredMatches = [];
each(function(match, i) {
if (callback(match, i)) {
matches = filteredMatches;
/*jshint validthis:true*/
return this;
function each(callback) {
for (var i = 0, l = matches.length; i < l; i++) {
if (callback(matches[i], i) === false) {
/*jshint validthis:true*/
return this;
function mark(replacementNode) {
if (matches.length) {
count = matches.length;
stepThroughMatches(node, matches, genReplacer(replacementNode));
/*jshint validthis:true*/
return this;
return {
text: text,
count: count,
matches: matches,
each: each,
filter: filter,
mark: mark