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Merge branch 'rel_ionCube_PHP56-70' of https://github.com/d3datadevelopment/ExtSearch into rel_ionCube_PHP56-70

# Conflicts:
#	composer.json
Dieser Commit ist enthalten in:
Daniel Seifert 2018-08-31 09:52:16 +02:00
Commit fd85ff3d2c
13 geänderte Dateien mit 96 neuen und 0 gelöschten Zeilen

src/build/README.md Normale Datei
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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# rebuild assets
All module related CSS/JavaScript files can be found in ``build`` directory. To
regenerate the modules assets, the ``grunt`` tasks should be used. Please
install ``grunt`` and run ``grunt's`` default task to regenerate all minimized
``css`` and ``js`` files:
1. To use ``grunt``, ``npm`` is required. Check ``nodejs`` website for
installation instructions (https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/).
After this, install ``grunt`` globally.
2. Go to "build" directory and install all related ``grunt`` plugins:
npm install
3. The module-specific LESS files use the LESS variables of the shop. If you
have customized these, you may need to recreate the module assets. Please note,
that CSS and JavaScript files were overwritten by module updates. Then run the
generation again or better store your customizations in own files.
3. configure "above the fold" stylesheets:
If you use critical "above the fold" stylesheets, enable the penthouse and
cssmin tasks in ``build/grunt/aliases.yml`` to generate special stylesheet
files. Customize the Penthouse Plugin configuration to your needs in
``build/grunt/penthouse.js``. Penthouse needs a working shop installation
with the latest stylesheets to run.
If the generated above-the-fold style sheets contains formattings, they are
automatically included in the shop source.
4. Now its possible to regenerate module assets by running ``grunt`` default
task while being in "build" directory:

src/build/grunt/cssmin.js Normale Datei
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
module.exports = {
options: {
mergeIntoShorthands: false,
roundingPrecision: -1
target: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: '../out/src/css/abovethefold',
src: ['*.css', '!*.min.css'],
dest: '../out/src/css/abovethefold',
ext: '.min.css'

src/build/grunt/penthouse.js Normale Datei
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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
module.exports = {
allthemes : {
outfile: '../out/src/css/abovethefold/d3extsearch_allthemes.css',
css: '../out/src/css/d3extsearch_allthemes.min.css',
url: 'https://myshop.local/',
width : 1300,
height : 400,
skipErrors : false
flow : {
outfile: '../out/src/css/abovethefold/d3extsearch_flow.css',
css: '../out/src/css/d3extsearch_flow.min.css',
url: 'https://myshop.local/',
width : 1300,
height : 400,
skipErrors : false
azure : {
outfile: '../out/src/css/abovethefold/d3extsearch_azure.css',
css: '../out/src/css/d3extsearch_azure.min.css',
url: 'https://myshop.local/',
width : 1300,
height : 400,
skipErrors : false
mobile : {
outfile: '../out/src/css/abovethefold/d3extsearch_mobile.css',
css: '../out/src/css/d3extsearch_mobile.min.css',
url: 'https://myshop.local/',
width : 1300,
height : 400,
skipErrors : false
slider : {
outfile: '../out/src/css/abovethefold/d3extsearch_slider.css',
css: '../out/src/css/d3extsearch_slider.min.css',
url: 'https://myshop.local/',
width : 1300,
height : 400,
skipErrors : false

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