
153 lines
9.7 KiB

{% block d3extsearch_suggest_main %}
<div id="d3_extsearch_quicksearch" class="{% if blStartSearch %}searchWaitMsg{% endif %}">
<div class="headline">
{% block d3extsearch_suggest_headline %}
{% if blStartSearch %}
{{ translate({ ident: "D3_EXTSEARCH_QUICK_SEARCH" }) }}
{% else %}
<a title="{{ translate({ ident: "D3_EXTSEARCH_QUICK_CLOSE" }) }}" href="#" class="closebtn" id="d3extsearch_suggest_closebtn"></a>
{% if useMultipleObjectTypes %}
{{ translate({ ident: "D3_EXTSEARCH_QUICK_MULTIPLEHITS" }) }}
{% else %}
{{ iHitCount }} {% if similar %}{{ translate({ ident: "D3_EXTSEARCH_QUICK_SIMILARHITS" }) }}{% else %}{{ translate({ ident: "D3_EXTSEARCH_QUICK_HITS" }) }}{% endif %} "{{ sSearchparam }}"
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% set sCssClasses %}{% apply spaceless %}
{% if not blStartSearch %}
{% if oHitList and oHitList.count() %} hasArticleItems{% endif %}
{% if oCatHitList and oCatHitList.count() %} hasCategoryItems{% endif %}
{% if oManHitList and oManHitList.count() %} hasManufacturerItems{% endif %}
{% if oVendorHitList and oVendorHitList.count() %} hasVendorItems{% endif %}
{% if oContentHitList and oContentHitList.count() %} hasContentItems{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endapply %}{% endset %}
{% apply spaceless %}
{% if not blStartSearch %}
{% block d3extsearch_suggest_list %}
<div class="list {% if useMultipleObjectTypes %}small{% endif %} {{ sCssClasses }}" id="searchItemList">
{% if oHitList.count() %}
{% block d3extsearch_suggest_list_article %}
<div class="d3extsearch_suggest articlebox" id="d3extsearch_suggest_articlebox">
<h3>{{ translate({ ident: "PRODUCTS" }) }}</h3>
{% for oHit in oHitList %}
{% block d3extsearch_suggest_listitem_article %}
{% apply spaceless %}
<a class="item_inact d3QSItem article" data-object-type="article" id="a{{ oHit.getId()|replace({".": ""}) }}" href="{{ oHit.getLink() }}">
<div class="imgframe"><img src="{{ oHit.getIconUrl() }}" alt="{{ oHit.getFieldData('oxtitle') }}"></div>
{{ oHit.getFieldData('oxtitle') }}
{% if oHit.getFieldData('oxvarselect') %} {{ oHit.getFieldData('oxvarselect') }}{% endif %}
{% endapply %}
{% endblock %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
{% if useMultipleObjectTypes and oCatHitList.count() %}
{% block d3extsearch_suggest_list_category %}
<div class="d3extsearch_suggest categorybox" id="d3extsearch_suggest_categorybox">
<h3>{{ translate({ ident: "CATEGORIES" }) }}</h3>
{% for oHit in oCatHitList %}
{% block d3extsearch_suggest_listitem_category %}
{% apply spaceless %}
{% if oHit.getIsVisible() %}
<a class="item_inact d3QSItem category" data-object-type="category" id="c{{ oHit.getId()|replace({".": ""}) }}" href="{{ oHit.getLink() }}">
{{ oHit.getFieldData('oxtitle') }}
{% endif %}
{% endapply %}
{% endblock %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
{% if useMultipleObjectTypes and oManHitList.count() %}
{% block d3extsearch_suggest_list_manufacturer %}
<div class="d3extsearch_suggest manufacturerbox" id="d3extsearch_suggest_manufacturerbox">
<h3>{{ translate({ ident: "MANUFACTURERS" }) }}</h3>
{% for oHit in oManHitList %}
{% block d3extsearch_suggest_listitem_manufacturer %}
{% apply spaceless %}
<a class="item_inact d3QSItem manufacturer" data-object-type="manufacturer" id="m{{ oHit.getId()|replace({".": ""}) }}" href="{{ oHit.getLink() }}">
{{ oHit.getFieldData('oxtitle') }}
{% endapply %}
{% endblock %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
{% if useMultipleObjectTypes and oVendorHitList.count() %}
{% block d3extsearch_suggest_list_vendor %}
<div class="d3extsearch_suggest vendorbox" id="d3extsearch_suggest_vendorbox">
<h3>{{ translate({ ident: "DISTRIBUTORS" }) }}</h3>
{% for oHit in oVendorHitList %}
{% block d3extsearch_suggest_listitem_vendor %}
{% apply spaceless %}
<a class="item_inact d3QSItem vendor" data-object-type="vendor" id="v{{ oHit.getId()|replace({".": ""}) }}" href="{{ oHit.getLink() }}">
{{ oHit.getFieldData('oxtitle') }}
{% endapply %}
{% endblock %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
{% if useMultipleObjectTypes and oContentHitList.count() %}
{% block d3extsearch_suggest_list_content %}
<div class="d3extsearch_suggest contentbox" id="d3extsearch_suggest_contentbox">
<h3>{{ translate({ ident: "SERVICES" }) }}</h3>
{% for oHit in oContentHitList %}
{% block d3extsearch_suggest_listitem_content %}
{% apply spaceless %}
<a class="item_inact d3QSItem content" data-object-type="content" id="t{{ oHit.getId()|replace({".": ""}) }}" href="{{ oHit.getLink() }}">
{{ oHit.getFieldData('oxtitle') }}
{% endapply %}
{% endblock %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
{% block d3extsearch_suggest_furtherlinks %}
{% if blToMuchHits %}
<a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('search').submit(); return false;" class="item_inact">
{{ translate({ ident: "D3_EXTSEARCH_QUICK_TOMUCHHITS" }) }}
{% elseif not oHitList and oHitList.count() and
oCatHitList and oCatHitList.count() and
oManHitList and oManHitList.count() and
oVendorHitList and oVendorHitList.count() and
oContentHitList and oContentHitList.count() %}
<a href="#" onclick="$('#xajax_resp').css({'display' : 'none'}); return false;" class="item_inact">
{{ translate({ ident: "D3_EXTSEARCH_QUICK_NOHIT" }) }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
{% if oHitList.count() %}
{% block d3extsearch_suggest_searchbutton %}
<div class="d3_extsearch_footer">
<a id="d3extsearch_suggest_startsearch" href="#" class="">
{{ translate({ ident: "D3_EXTSEARCH_QUICK_STARTSEARCH" }) }}
{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endapply %}
{% endblock %}