alter Zwiscehnstand

Cette révision appartient à :
Marat 2022-06-09 20:41:59 +02:00
Parent 827704a2b0
révision ed767efa8a
21 fichiers modifiés avec 166 ajouts et 123 suppressions

Application/Extend/ViewConfig.php Fichier normal → Fichier exécutable
Voir le fichier

@ -25,46 +25,74 @@ class ViewConfig extends ViewConfig_parent
// Google Tag Manager Container ID
private $sContainerId = null;
public function getGtmContainerId()
if ( $this->sContainerId === null ) {
if ($this->sContainerId === null)
$this->sContainerId = ContainerFactory::getInstance()
->get('vt_gtm_containerid', 'vt-gtm');
->get('vt_gtm_sContainerID', 'vt-gtm');
return $this->sContainerId;
private $blGA4enabled = null;
public function isGA4enabled()
if ($this->blGA4enabled === null)
$this->sContainerId = ContainerFactory::getInstance()
->get('vt_gtm_blEnableGA4', 'vt-gtm');
return $this->blGA4enabled;
public function getGtmDataLayer()
if( !$this->getGtmContainerId() ) return "[]";
if (!$this->getGtmContainerId()) return "[]";
$oConfig = Registry::getConfig();
$oView = $oConfig->getTopActiveView(); /** @var FrontendController $oShop */
$oView = $oConfig->getTopActiveView();
/** @var FrontendController $oShop */
//$oShop = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getActiveShop(); /** @var oxShop $oShop */
$oUser = $oConfig->getUser();
$dataLayer = [
'page_title' => $oView->getTitle(),
'controller' => $this->getTopActionClassName(),
'user' => ( $oUser ? "true" : "false" )
$cl = $this->getTopActionClassName();
$aPageTypes = [
"content" => "cms",
"details" => "product",
"alist" => "listing",
"search" => "listing",
"basket" => "checkout",
"user" => "checkout",
"payment" => "checkout",
"order" => "checkout",
"thankyou" => "checkout",
return json_encode([$dataLayer],JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
$dataLayer = [
'page' => [
'type' => $aPageTypes[$cl] ?? "unknown",
'title' => $oView->getTitle(),
'cl' => $cl,
'userid' => ($oUser ? $oUser->getId() : false),
'sessionid' => session_id() ?? false,
//'httpref' => $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] ?? "unknown"
return json_encode([$dataLayer], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
unset($dataLayer["user"]["http"]); // das brauchen wir hier nicht
$cl = $this->getActiveClassName();
if( $cl === "content" ) $dataLayer["page"]["type"] = "cms";
elseif( $cl === "details" ) $dataLayer["page"]["type"] = "product";
elseif( in_array($cl,["alist","search"]) ) $dataLayer["page"]["type"] = "listing";
elseif( in_array($cl,["basket","user","payment","order","thankyou"]) ) $dataLayer["page"]["type"] = "checkout";
return json_encode([$dataLayer],JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
return json_encode([$dataLayer], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
// --- Produktdaten ---
$transactionProducts = [];
@ -87,11 +115,15 @@ class ViewConfig extends ViewConfig_parent
public function isPromotionList($listId)
public function triggerGA4events()
$oConfig = Registry::getConfig();
$aPromotionListIds = $oConfig->getConfigParam("") ?? [ 'bargainItems', 'newItems', 'topBox', 'alsoBought', 'accessories', 'cross' ];
// general events
public function isPromotionList($listId)
$oConfig = Registry::getConfig();
$aPromotionListIds = $oConfig->getConfigParam("") ?? ['bargainItems', 'newItems', 'topBox', 'alsoBought', 'accessories', 'cross'];

Application/views/admin/de/module_options.php Fichier normal → Fichier exécutable
Voir le fichier

@ -26,6 +26,6 @@ input.confinput:hover {outline:3px solid #ff3600;}
$aLang = [
'charset' => 'UTF-8',
'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_vt_gtm_settings' => $style . 'Einstellungen',
'SHOP_MODULE_vt_gtm_containerid' => 'Container ID',
'SHOP_MODULE_vt_gtm_sContainerID' => 'Container ID',
'SHOP_MODULE_vt_gtm_promotionlistids' => 'Promotion Produktlisten IDs <div>Weitere Infos zu dieser Einstellung: <b><u><a href="" target="_blank">Modui-Wiki</a></u></b></div>',

Application/views/blocks/_gtm_js.tpl Fichier normal → Fichier exécutable
Voir le fichier

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
})(window, document, 'script', 'dataLayer', '[{$oViewConf->getGtmContainerId()}]');
<!-- End Google Tag Manager -->
[{if $oViewConf->getTopActionClassName() === "alist" }]
[{* include file="ga4_view_item_list.tpl" gtmCategory=$oView->getActiveCategory() gtmProducts=$oView->getArticleList() listtype=$oView->getListType() *}]
[{elseif $oViewConf->getTopActionClassName() === "details" }]

Voir le fichier

Voir le fichier

Voir le fichier

Voir le fichier

Application/views/ga4/login.tpl Fichier exécutable
Voir le fichier

Application/views/ga4/purchase.tpl Fichier exécutable
Voir le fichier

Voir le fichier

Application/views/ga4/search.tpl Fichier exécutable
Voir le fichier

Voir le fichier

Voir le fichier

Voir le fichier

Application/views/ga4/sign_up.tpl Fichier exécutable
Voir le fichier

Application/views/ga4/view_cart.tpl Fichier exécutable
Voir le fichier

Voir le fichier

51 Fichier normal → Fichier exécutable
Voir le fichier

@ -1,34 +1,23 @@
# [vt] Google Tag Manager
Google Tag Manager integration for OXID eShop v6.2 und höher
module version 0.2.0 ( 2018-12-04 )
module version 0.5.0 ( 2021-12-10 )
# Installation
## Installation
* ``composer require vanilla-thunder/oxid-module-gtm --no-update``
* Inhalt von "copy_this" in den Shop hochladen
* Modul aktivieren und Moduleinstellungen konfigurieren
# Tag Manager konfigurieren:
## Tag Manager konfigurieren:
## Google Analytics 4 Einrichtung
## GA4 Events / Customizing
für alle implementierten GA4 Events existieren Templates unter `source/modules/GoogleTagManager/Application/views/ga4/`, dabei entspricht der Dateiname dem Eventnamen in GA4.
Die Einbindung dieser Event-Templates erfolgt über TPL-Blöcke unter `source/modules/GoogleTagManager/Application/views/blocks/`.
## Universal Analytics Events
Alle drei unterstützten Tag Manager werden mit Daten aus einer gemeinsamen Datenschicht (dataLayer) gefüttert.
Für die einfachste Übersicht der enthaltenen Daten empfehle ich den Vorschau-Modus vom Google Tag Manager.
Bei jedem Seitenaufruf wird die Datenschicht mit einigen wenigen Infos erstellt, die man zum reinen Erfassen der Seitenaufrufe benötigt:
+ **page.type** - Seitentyp: default / cms / product / listing / checkout (an google analytics angelehnt)
+ **page.title** - Seitentitel (außer Startseite, sie hat keinen Titel. Danke OXID...)
+ **page.class** - OXID Controller Klasse (start, search, etc)
+ **** - Land des Benutzers, sofern dieser angemeldet ist.
+ **user.httpref** - http referrer
Alle für Ecommerce Tracking releavanten Daten werden mit speziellen Ecommerce Events in die Datenschicht eingefügt.
Hier ist ein Beispiel für die Einrichtung von Enhanced Ecomemrce Tracking über Google Tag Manager:
**"EE-Trigger" für Ecomemrce-Tags (Beispiel für Google Tag Manager):**
**"EE-Trigger" für Ecomemrce-Tags (Beispiel für Google Tag Manager):**
+ Triggertyp: Benutzerdefiniertes Ereignis
+ Ereignisname: ``ee\..*``
+ Übereinstimmung mit regulärem Ausdruck verwenden
@ -41,16 +30,26 @@ Hier ist ein Beispiel für die Einrichtung von Enhanced Ecomemrce Tracking über
+ Label: {{Event Label}}
+ Trigger : EE-Trigger
Eine Video-Anleitung mit der kompletten Google Analytics Einrichtung folgt in Kürze.
## Verfügbare Datalayer Variablen
Für die einfachste Übersicht der enthaltenen Daten empfehle ich den Vorschau-Modus vom Google Tag Manager.
Bei jedem Seitenaufruf wird die Datenschicht mit einigen wenigen Infos erstellt, die man zum reinen Erfassen der Seitenaufrufe benötigt:
+ **page.type** - Seitentyp: default / cms / product / listing / checkout (an google analytics angelehnt)
+ **page.title** - Seitentitel (außer Startseite, sie hat keinen Titel. Danke OXID...)
+ **** - OXID Controller Klasse (start, search, etc)
+ **userid** - oxID vom Benutzer bzw `false` falls nicht eingeloggt
+ **sessionid** - session iD
Alle für Ecommerce Tracking releavanten Daten werden mit speziellen Ecommerce Events in die Datenschicht eingefügt.
Hier ist ein Beispiel für die Einrichtung von Enhanced Ecomemrce Tracking über Google Tag Manager:
### Google Analytics 4 Referenz
[bla] tag-manager
Copyright (C) 2018 bestlife AG
[vt] google-tag-manager
Copyright (C) 2021 Marat Bedoev
info: oder so /** @todo: überarbeiten, wenn ich wieder nüchtern bin */
This program is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;

metadata.php Fichier normal → Fichier exécutable
Voir le fichier

@ -13,144 +13,155 @@
$sMetadataVersion = '2.1';
$aModule = [
'id' => 'vt-gtm',
'title' => '[vt] Google Tag Manager',
$aModule = [
'id' => 'vt-gtm',
'title' => '[vt] Google Tag Manager',
'description' => 'Google Tag Manager Integration for OXID eShop v6.2+',
'thumbnail' => 'thumbnail.png',
'version' => '0.5.0 ( 2021-07-17 )',
'author' => 'Marat Bedoev',
'email' => openssl_decrypt("Az6pE7kPbtnTzjHlPhPCa4ktJLphZ/w9gKgo5vA//p4=", str_rot13("nrf-128-pop"), str_rot13("gvalzpr")),
'url' => '',
'extend' => [
'thumbnail' => 'thumbnail.png',
'version' => '0.5.0 ( 2021-07-17 )',
'author' => 'Marat Bedoev',
'email' => openssl_decrypt("Az6pE7kPbtnTzjHlPhPCa4ktJLphZ/w9gKgo5vA//p4=", str_rot13("nrf-128-pop"), str_rot13("gvalzpr")),
'url' => '',
'extend' => [
\OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\ViewConfig::class => VanillaThunder\GoogleTagManager\Application\Extend\ViewConfig::class
'templates' => [
// separate ee-event templates for easy integration
//'ga4_add_to_cart.tpl' => 'vt/GoogleTagManager/Application/views/ga4/add_to_cart.tpl',
//'ga4_view_item.tpl' => 'vt/GoogleTagManager/Application/views/ga4/view_item.tpl',
//'ga4_view_item_list.tpl' => 'vt/GoogleTagManager/Application/views/ga4/view_item_list.tpl',
'gtm_ua_impression' => 'vt/GoogleTagManager/Application/views/ua/impression.tpl'
'templates' => [
// GA4 events
'ga4_add_payment_info.tpl' => 'vt/GoogleTagManager/Application/views/ga4/add_payment_info.tpl',
'add_shipping_info.tpl' => 'vt/GoogleTagManager/Application/views/ga4/add_shipping_info.tpl',
'ga4_add_to_cart.tpl' => 'vt/GoogleTagManager/Application/views/ga4/add_to_cart.tpl',
'ga4_begin_checkout.tpl' => 'vt/GoogleTagManager/Application/views/ga4/begin_checkout.tpl',
'ga4_generate_lead.tpl' => 'vt/GoogleTagManager/Application/views/ga4/generate_lead.tpl',
'ga4_login.tpl' => 'vt/GoogleTagManager/Application/views/ga4/login.tpl',
'ga4_purchase.tpl' => 'vt/GoogleTagManager/Application/views/ga4/purchase.tpl',
'ga4_remove_from_cart.tpl' => 'vt/GoogleTagManager/Application/views/ga4/remove_from_cart.tpl',
'ga4_search.tpl' => 'vt/GoogleTagManager/Application/views/ga4/search.tpl',
'ga4_select_content.tpl' => 'vt/GoogleTagManager/Application/views/ga4/select_content.tpl',
'ga4_select_item.tpl' => 'vt/GoogleTagManager/Application/views/ga4/select_item.tpl',
'ga4_select_promotion.tpl' => 'vt/GoogleTagManager/Application/views/ga4/select_promotion.tpl',
'ga4_sign_up.tpl' => 'vt/GoogleTagManager/Application/views/ga4/sign_up.tpl',
'ga4_view_cart.tpl' => 'vt/GoogleTagManager/Application/views/ga4/view_cart.tpl',
'ga4_view_item.tpl' => 'vt/GoogleTagManager/Application/views/ga4/view_item.tpl',
'ga4_view_item_list.tpl' => 'vt/GoogleTagManager/Application/views/ga4/view_item_list.tpl',
'ga4_view_promotion.tpl' => 'vt/GoogleTagManager/Application/views/ga4/view_promotion.tpl',
'gtm_ua_impression' => 'vt/GoogleTagManager/Application/views/ua/impression.tpl'
'gtm_view_promotion.tpl' => 'vt/GoogleTagManager/Application/views/view_promotion.tpl',
'gtm_select_promotion.tpl' => 'vt/GoogleTagManager/Application/views/select_promotion.tpl',
'gtm_begin_checkout.tpl' => 'vt/GoogleTagManager/Application/views/begin_checkout.tpl',
'blocks' => [
'blocks' => [
// tag manager js
'template' => 'layout/base.tpl',
'block' => 'head_meta_robots',
'file' => '/Application/views/blocks/_gtm_js.tpl'
'block' => 'head_meta_robots',
'file' => '/Application/views/blocks/_gtm_js.tpl'
// tag manager nojs
'template' => 'layout/base.tpl',
'block' => 'theme_svg_icons',
'file' => '/Application/views/blocks/_gtm_nojs.tpl'
'block' => 'theme_svg_icons',
'file' => '/Application/views/blocks/_gtm_nojs.tpl'
// add to cart
'template' => 'layout/header.tpl',
'block' => 'header_main',
'file' => '/Application/views/blocks/add_to_cart.tpl'
'block' => 'header_main',
'file' => '/Application/views/blocks/add_to_cart.tpl'
// impressions
// widget_product_list
'template' => 'widget/product/listitem_grid.tpl',
'block' => 'widget_product_listitem_grid',
'file' => '/Application/views/blocks/impression.tpl'
'template' => 'widget/product/listitem_infogrid.tpl',
'block' => 'widget_product_listitem_infogrid',
'file' => '/Application/views/blocks/impression.tpl'
'template' => 'widget/product/listitem_line.tpl',
'block' => 'widget_product_listitem_line',
'file' => '/Application/views/blocks/impression.tpl'
'template' => 'widget/product/list.tpl',
'block' => 'widget_product_list',
'file' => '/Application/views/blocks/widget_product_list.tpl'
// details
'template' => 'page/details/inc/productmain.tpl',
'block' => 'details_productmain_title',
'file' => '/Application/views/blocks/detail.tpl'
'block' => 'details_productmain_title',
'file' => '/Application/views/blocks/detail.tpl'
// checkout
'template' => 'page/checkout/basket.tpl',
'block' => 'checkout_basket_main',
'file' => '/Application/views/blocks/checkout_s1.tpl'
'block' => 'checkout_basket_main',
'file' => '/Application/views/blocks/checkout_s1.tpl'
'template' => 'form/user_checkout_change.tpl',
'block' => 'user_checkout_change',
'file' => '/Application/views/blocks/checkout_s2.tpl'
'block' => 'user_checkout_change',
'file' => '/Application/views/blocks/checkout_s2.tpl'
'template' => 'form/user_checkout_register.tpl',
'block' => 'user_checkout_register',
'file' => '/Application/views/blocks/checkout_s2.tpl'
'block' => 'user_checkout_register',
'file' => '/Application/views/blocks/checkout_s2.tpl'
'template' => 'form/user_checkout_noregister.tpl',
'block' => 'user_checkout_noregister',
'file' => '/Application/views/blocks/checkout_s2.tpl'
'block' => 'user_checkout_noregister',
'file' => '/Application/views/blocks/checkout_s2.tpl'
'template' => 'page/checkout/payment.tpl',
'block' => 'checkout_payment_main',
'file' => '/Application/views/blocks/checkout_s3.tpl'
'block' => 'checkout_payment_main',
'file' => '/Application/views/blocks/checkout_s3.tpl'
'template' => 'page/checkout/order.tpl',
'block' => 'checkout_order_main',
'file' => '/Application/views/blocks/checkout_s4.tpl'
'block' => 'checkout_order_main',
'file' => '/Application/views/blocks/checkout_s4.tpl'
'template' => 'page/checkout/thankyou.tpl',
'block' => 'checkout_thankyou_main',
'file' => '/Application/views/blocks/checkout_s5.tpl'
'block' => 'checkout_thankyou_main',
'file' => '/Application/views/blocks/checkout_s5.tpl'
'settings' => [
'settings' => [
'group' => 'vt_gtm_settings',
'name' => 'vt_gtm_containerid',
'type' => 'str',
'value' => 'GTM-',
'group' => 'vt_gtm_settings',
'name' => 'vt_gtm_sContainerID',
'type' => 'str',
'value' => 'GTM-',
'position' => 0
'group' => 'vt_gtm_settings',
'name' => 'vt_gtm_enable_ga4',
'type' => 'bool',
'value' => true,
'group' => 'vt_gtm_settings',
'name' => 'vt_gtm_blGA4enabled',
'type' => 'bool',
'value' => true,
'position' => 1
'group' => 'vt_gtm_settings',
'name' => 'vt_gtm_enable_ua',
'type' => 'bool',
'value' => true,
'group' => 'vt_gtm_settings',
'name' => 'vt_gtm_blUAenabled',
'type' => 'bool',
'value' => true,
'position' => 2
'group' => 'vt_gtm_settings',
'name' => 'vt_gtm_mpapisecret',
'type' => 'str',
'value' => '',
'group' => 'vt_gtm_settings',
'name' => 'vt_gtm_sMpapisecret',
'type' => 'str',
'value' => '',
'position' => 3
'group' => 'vt_gtm_settings',
'name' => 'vt_gtm_promotionlistids',
'type' => 'arr',
'value' => [],
'group' => 'vt_gtm_settings',
'name' => 'vt_gtm_aPromotionlistIDs',
'type' => 'arr',
'value' => [],
'position' => 4
'group' => 'vt_gtm_settings',
'name' => 'vt_gtm_blEnableDebug',
'type' => 'bool',
'value' => false,
'position' => 999

thumbnail.png Fichier exécutable

Fichier binaire non affiché.


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