
19 lines
745 B

# Provisioning
## initial
- checkout the customer repository
- `git remote add deployment gitfhfac@git.d3data.de:D3Private/deployerRecipes.git && git remote set-url --push deployment DONTPUSH`
- `git fetch deployment`
- `git switch -c deployment deployment/rel_OXID_7.x`
checkout remote branch and rename it to `deployment`
- `git push origin deployment`
- `git remote rm deployment`
## update
- checkout the customer repository
- `git checkout deployment && git pull origin deployment`
- `git remote add deployment gitfhfac@git.d3data.de:D3Private/deployerRecipes.git && git remote set-url --push deployment DONTPUSH`
- `git fetch deployment`
- `git merge deployment/rel_OXID_7.x`
- `git push origin deployment`
- `git remote rm deployment`