D3 Ordermanager Tests
Both unit and acceptance tests require OXID Testing Library installed. See https://github.com/OXID-eSales/testing_library.
Make sure the module has been activated with a valid license key.
Please install the packages listed in the composer.json in "require-dev". Unfortunately Composer does not provide an automatic installation.
Here is an example of Testing Library configuration file oxideshop/test_config.yml
# This file is auto-generated during the composer install
shop_path: /var/www/oxideshop/source
shop_tests_path: /var/www/oxideshop/tests
partial_module_paths: d3/ordermanager
shop_url: null
shop_serial: ''
enable_varnish: false
is_subshop: false
install_shop: false
remote_server_dir: null
shop_setup_path: null
restore_shop_after_tests_suite: false
test_database_name: null
restore_after_acceptance_tests: false
restore_after_unit_tests: false
tmp_path: /tmp/oxid_test_library/
database_restoration_class: DatabaseRestorer
activate_all_modules: false
run_tests_for_shop: false
run_tests_for_modules: true
screen_shots_path: null
screen_shots_url: null
browser_name: firefox
selenium_server_port: '4444'
additional_test_paths: null
Unit Tests
To execute unit tests run the following:
cd /var/www/oxideshop/
PHPBIN=/usr/bin/php7.4 ./vendor/bin/runtests