
40 regels
2.4 KiB

$sLangName = "English";
$aLang = array(
'charset' => 'UTF-8',
// menue
'd3mxprintorders' => '<i class=\'fa fa-print\'></i> Print Orders',
'd3mxprintorders_settings' => 'Settings',
'd3tbclprintorders_main' => 'Stamm',
// Modulsettings -- Admin
'D3_ORDERPRINT_MODULNAME' => 'print Orderconfirmation',
'D3_ORDERPRINT_RECACHING_BTN' => 'generate old Orderconfirmation',
'D3_ORDERPRINT_RECACHING_HELP' => 'Only active Modul, generate orderconfirmations to print for new order. ' //
. 'With this option you can generate all confirmations for older orders.<br><br>' //
. 'For many orders this can take a lot of time.',
'D3_ORDERPRINT_PATHTOFILES_HELP' => 'Enter your individual path for the orderprint files. '
. 'Attention: you have to create this path manually.<br><br>'
. 'Standard is: yourShopRoot/<b>export/d3printorder/</b>.',
'D3_ORDERPRINT_CLEAR_OLD_DATA' => 'correct struktur',
'D3_ORDERPRINT_CLEAR_OLD_DATA_HELP' => 'Move existing orderprints to new folder. '
. 'The old folder is no longer used anymore and will be deleted after this.'
. 'For many orders this can take a lot of time.',
// Modul-Update-Messages
'D3_ORDERPRINT_UPDATE_FOLDER_FOR_ORDERPRINTS' => 'This Modul save new orderprints in another folder. ' //
. 'There are to much files, to automatically move the existing orderprints to this new folder. ' //
. '<br><br>' //
. 'Please move all files from: %s <br>' //
. 'to the new folder: %s' //
. 'After this, remove the folder: %s',
'D3_ORDERPRINT_AUTOUPDATE_FOLDER_FOR_ORDERPRINTS' => 'This Modul save new orderprints in another folder. ' //
. 'The new Folder is: %s' //
. '<br><br> Existing orderprint-files are moved automatically, to the new folder, in this updatestep',
'D3_ORDERPRINT_PRINT' => 'print order confirmation',
'D3_ORDERPRINT_CLOSE' => 'close window',
'D3_ORDERPRINT_LINK' => 'Click here to print the order confirmation',