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2020-06-25 11:37:04 +02:00
* This Software is the property of Data Development and is protected
* by copyright law - it is NOT Freeware.
* Any unauthorized use of this software without a valid license
* is a violation of the license agreement and will be prosecuted by
* civil and criminal law.
* http://www.shopmodule.com
* @copyright (C) D3 Data Development (Inh. Thomas Dartsch)
* @author D3 Data Development - Daniel Seifert <support@shopmodule.com>
* @link http://www.oxidmodule.com
namespace D3\TaxRatesAdjustment\Models;
use D3\ModCfg\Application\Model\d3database;
use OxidEsales\Eshop\Application\Model\Shop;
use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Config;
use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\DatabaseProvider;
abstract class articlePricesAbstract extends genericAbstract
public $baseQueriesDefaultTax = [
//'UPDATE oxarticles SET oxprice = (oxprice / 1.19 * 1.16) WHERE oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' AND (oxvat IS NULL);',
// default prices
'UPDATE oxarticles SET oxprice = (oxprice / :oldTaxPercent * :newTaxPercent) WHERE oxshopid = :shopid AND (oxvat IS NULL)',
// recommended retail price
'UPDATE oxarticles SET oxtprice = (oxtprice / :oldTaxPercent * :newTaxPercent) WHERE oxshopid = :shopid AND (oxvat IS NULL)',
// varminprices
'UPDATE oxarticles SET oxvarminprice = (oxvarminprice / :oldTaxPercent * :newTaxPercent) WHERE oxshopid = :shopid AND (oxvat IS NULL)',
// varmaxprices
'UPDATE oxarticles SET oxvarmaxprice = (oxvarmaxprice / :oldTaxPercent * :newTaxPercent) WHERE oxshopid = :shopid AND (oxvat IS NULL)'
public $baseQueriesCustomTax = [
//'UPDATE oxarticles SET oxprice = (oxprice / 1.19 * 1.16) WHERE oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' AND (oxvat IN(16, 19));',
// default prices
'UPDATE oxarticles SET oxprice = (oxprice / :oldTaxPercent * :newTaxPercent) WHERE oxshopid = :shopid AND (oxvat IN(:oldTaxRate, :newTaxRate))',
// recommended retail price
'UPDATE oxarticles SET oxtprice = (oxtprice / :oldTaxPercent * :newTaxPercent) WHERE oxshopid = :shopid AND (oxvat IN(:oldTaxRate, :newTaxRate))',
// varminprices
'UPDATE oxarticles SET oxvarminprice = (oxvarminprice / :oldTaxPercent * :newTaxPercent) WHERE oxshopid = :shopid AND (oxvat IN(:oldTaxRate, :newTaxRate))',
// varmaxprices
'UPDATE oxarticles SET oxvarmaxprice = (oxvarmaxprice / :oldTaxPercent * :newTaxPercent) WHERE oxshopid = :shopid AND (oxvat IN(:oldTaxRate, :newTaxRate))'
* @throws \OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Exception\DatabaseConnectionException
* @throws \OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Exception\DatabaseErrorException
public function run()
if (false === $this->isInExecutableTimeRange()) {
trigger_error("script shouldn't run outside the defined time range", E_USER_WARNING);
* @throws \OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Exception\DatabaseConnectionException
* @throws \OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Exception\DatabaseErrorException
public function changeArticlePrices()
$shop = new Shop();
// use shop list, when parameter -d is set
$opts = getopt("s:");
$where = isset($opts['s']) ?
"oxid IN (".implode(', ', array_map(
function ($a) {return DatabaseProvider::getDb()->quote(trim($a));},
explode(',', $opts['s']))
).")" :
$q = "SELECT oxid FROM " . $shop->getCoreTableName() . " WHERE ".$where ;
foreach ( DatabaseProvider::getDb( DatabaseProvider::FETCH_MODE_ASSOC )->getAll( $q ) as $record ) {
$shopId = (int) $record["oxid"];
$count = 0;
$count += $this->changeSubshopArticlePricesDefaultTax($shopId);
$count += $this->changeSubshopArticlePricesCustomTax($shopId);
echo "$count article prices in shop $shopId changed.".PHP_EOL;
public function changeSubshopArticlePricesDefaultTax($shopId)
$count = 0;
$oCurrConfig = new Config();
$oldTaxRate = (int) $oCurrConfig->getConfigParam('dDefaultVAT');
$newTaxRate = $this->rateChanges[$oldTaxRate];
if ($newTaxRate === null) {
$flipped = array_flip($this->rateChanges);
$oldTaxRate = $flipped[(int) $oCurrConfig->getConfigParam('dDefaultVAT')];
$newTaxRate = $this->rateChanges[$oldTaxRate];
foreach ($this->baseQueriesDefaultTax as $query) {
$db = DatabaseProvider::getDb(DatabaseProvider::FETCH_MODE_ASSOC);
$queryParameters = [
'shopid' => $shopId,
'oldTaxRate'=> $oldTaxRate,
'oldTaxPercent' => 1 + ($oldTaxRate / 100),
'newTaxRate'=> $newTaxRate,
'newTaxPercent' => 1 + ($newTaxRate / 100),
$count += $db->execute($query, $queryParameters);
return $count;
public function changeSubshopArticlePricesCustomTax($shopId)
$count = 0;
foreach ($this->baseQueriesCustomTax as $query) {
foreach ($this->rateChanges as $oldTaxRate => $newTaxRate) {
$db = DatabaseProvider::getDb(DatabaseProvider::FETCH_MODE_ASSOC);
$queryParameters = [
'shopid' => $shopId,
'oldTaxRate'=> $oldTaxRate,
'oldTaxPercent' => 1 + ($oldTaxRate / 100),
'newTaxRate'=> $newTaxRate,
'newTaxPercent' => 1 + ($newTaxRate / 100),
$count += $db->execute($query, $queryParameters);
return $count;