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* This Software is the property of Data Development and is protected
* by copyright law - it is NOT Freeware.
* Any unauthorized use of this software without a valid license
* is a violation of the license agreement and will be prosecuted by
* civil and criminal law.
* http://www.shopmodule.com
* @copyright (C) D3 Data Development (Inh. Thomas Dartsch)
* @author D3 Data Development - Daniel Seifert <support@shopmodule.com>
* @link http://www.oxidmodule.com
namespace D3\TaxRatesAdjustment\Models;
use oxArticle;
use oxConfig;
use oxDb;
use oxRegistry;
use oxShop;
abstract class taxRateAbstract
public $execPeriod = [
public $rateChanges = [
19 => 16,
7 => 5
* @return bool
public function isInExecutableTimeRange()
// skip time check, when parameter -d is set
$opts = getopt("d");
if (is_array($opts) && isset($opts['d'])) {
return true;
list($from, $to) = $this->execPeriod;
return (time() > strtotime($from)) && (time() < strtotime($to));
public function run()
if (false === $this->isInExecutableTimeRange()) {
trigger_error("script shouldn't run outside the defined time range", E_USER_WARNING);
public function changeTaxRates()
$shop = new oxShop();
// use shop list, when parameter -d is set
$opts = getopt("s:");
$where = isset($opts['s']) ?
"oxid IN (".implode(', ', array_map(
function ($a) {return oxDb::getDb()->quote(trim($a));},
explode(',', $opts['s']))
).")" :
$q = "SELECT oxid FROM " . $shop->getCoreTableName() . " WHERE ".$where ;
foreach (oxDb::getDb(oxDb::FETCH_MODE_ASSOC )->getAll( $q ) as $record ) {
$shopId = $record["oxid"];
$this->changeDefaultTaxRate( $shopId );
$this->changeArticlesTaxRate( $shopId );
* @param int $id
* @throws \oxConnectionException
public function switchToShop($id)
if (oxRegistry::getConfig()->isMall()
&& $id != oxRegistry::getConfig()->getActiveShop()->getId()
) {
/** @var oxConfig $oNewConf */
$oNewConf = new oxConfig();
oxRegistry::getSession()->setVariable('actshop', $id);
oxRegistry::getSession()->setVariable('currentadminshop', $id);
* @param int $shopId
public function changeDefaultTaxRate($shopId)
$oCurrConfig = new oxConfig();
$newVat = $this->rateChanges[(int) $oCurrConfig->getConfigParam('dDefaultVAT')];
if ($newVat) {
$oCurrConfig->saveShopConfVar('num', 'dDefaultVAT', $newVat);
echo "default tax rate was sucessfully changed in shop ".$shopId.PHP_EOL;
} else {
echo "no changeable default tax rate found in shop ".$shopId.PHP_EOL;
* @param int $shopId
public function changeArticlesTaxRate($shopId)
$article = oxNew(oxArticle::class);
$q = "SELECT oxid FROM ".$article->getCoreTableName()."
WHERE oxvat IN (".implode(', ', array_keys($this->rateChanges)).")
AND oxshopid = ". oxDb::getDb()->quote($shopId);
$counter = 0;
foreach (oxDb::getDb(oxDb::FETCH_MODE_ASSOC)->getAll($q) as $articleRecord) {
$articleId = $articleRecord['oxid'];
$article = oxNew(oxArticle::class);
'oxvat' => $this->rateChanges[(int) $article->getFieldData('oxvat')]
if ($counter) {
echo "the tax rate for " . $counter . " article(s) was changed in shop " . $shopId . PHP_EOL;
$q = "SELECT count(*) FROM ".$article->getCoreTableName()."
WHERE oxvat IN (".implode(', ', array_keys($this->rateChanges)).")
AND oxshopid = ". oxDb::getDb()->quote($shopId);
if ($counter = oxDb::getDb()->getOne($q)) {
echo "the tax rate update for " . $counter . " article(s) was failed in shop " . $shopId . PHP_EOL;