'D3UNZER_CC_ERRROR_MESSAGE_COMLETE_FIELDS_CORRECTLY'=>'Please complete all fields correctly!',
'D3UNZER_CC_ERRROR_MESSAGE_PAYMENT_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED'=>'The payment authorization failed. Please verify your input.',
'D3UNZER_CC_ERRROR_MESSAGE_UNAVAILABLE_SHIPPING_METHOD'=>"The shipping method you selected isn't available any more. Please choose another shipping method.",
'D3UNZER_CC_ERRROR_MESSAGE_SHOP_UNAVAILABLE_PROTECTION'=>'Trusted Shops Buyer protection cannot be added to your cart for technical reasons. You may however finalize your order without Buyer Protection. If you have further questions please contact service@trustedshops.co.uk.',
'D3UNZER_CC_ERRROR_MESSAGE_NO_SHIPPING_METHOD_FOUND'=>'No shipping methods found. Please contact us by phone or e-mail.',
'D3UNZER_CC_ERRROR_MESSAGE_PAYMENT_SELECT_ANOTHER_PAYMENT'=>'Please select a different payment method.',
'D3UNZER_ORDER_3DS_IFRAME_NOJS'=>'It seems that Javascript is currently disabled at your browser.',
'D3UNZER_ORDER_3DS_IFRAME_TEXTDE'=>'It is not possible to finalize your creditcard payment without Javascript. Please activate Javascript at your Browser and click Step3 to repeat your payment.',
'D3UNZER_ORDER_3DS_IFRAME_TEXTEN'=>'It seems that Javascript is currently disabled at your browser. Its not possible to finalize your creditcard payment without Javascript. Please activate Javascript at your browser and click step3 to repeat your payment.',
'D3PAYMENT_EXT_ERROR'=>'The following error has occured:',
'D3PAYMENT_EXT_NOTEXT'=>'No error text available. Please apply to the owner of the shop!',
'D3PAYMENT_EXT_CHECK'=>'Please check your input and try again.',
'D3PAYMENT_EXT_TRYLATER'=>'Please use another type of payment or try again a few minutes later.',
'D3PAYMENT_EXT_CHANGEPAYMENT'=>'Please use another type of payment.',
'D3PAYMENT_EXT_AFTERSTEP4_INFO_STEP4'=>'You enter your card dates after step 4 of the order processing!',
'D3PAYMENT_EXT_INC_THISPAYMENT'=>'Choose this type of payment',
'D3PAYMENT_EXT_EPS_SPAENGLER_BANK'=>'Bankhaus Carl Spängler',
'D3PAYMENT_SECURITYCODEDESCRIPTION'=>'The check digit has three figures and ist imprinted on the back side in the signature field.',
'D3PAYMENT_SECURITYCODEDESCRIPTION_AMEX'=>'In the case of <b>American Express</b> it is a four-digit number, which is imprinted on the front side at the top on the right.',
'D3PAYMENT_EXT_STOREDUID_CC_PAYAGAIN'=>'Do you want to pay with the following card once again?',
'D3PAYMENT_EXT_STOREDUID_CC_SECURITYINFO'=>'<b>Important advice!</b><br>For safety reasons, only the last 4 digits of your card number are deposited in our shop.<br>We are at no time in possession of your entire Card datas!',
'D3PAYMENT_EXT_STOREDUID_DC_PAYAGAIN'=>'Do you want to pay with the following card once again?',
'D3PAYMENT_EXT_STOREDUID_DC_SECURITYINFO'=>'<b>Important advice!</b><br>For safety reasons, only the last 4 digits of your card number are deposited in our shop.<br>We are at no time in possession of your entire card datas!',
'D3PAYMENT_EXT_STOREDUID_DD_PAYAGAIN'=>'Do you want to pay with the following bank datas once again?',
'D3PAYMENT_EXT_STOREDUID_DD_SECURITYINFO'=>'<b>Important advice!</b><br>For safety reasons, only the last 4 digits of your bank account number are deposited in our shop.<br>We are at no time in possession of your entire banking datas!',
'D3UNZER_THANKYOU_PREPAYMENT_HEAD'=>'You choosed "prepayment" as a type of payment',
'D3UNZER_THANKYOU_PREPAYMENT_INFOTEXT1'=>'Please use the following datas for your bank transfer.',
'D3UNZER_THANKYOU_PREPAYMENT_INFOTEXT2'=>'Important! the reference has to be quoted exactly as listed!',
'D3UNZER_THANKYOU_PREPAYMENT_TRANSFER_DE'=>'Bank transfer within Germany:',
'D3UNZER_THANKYOU_PREPAYMENT_TRANSFER_EU'=>'Foreign bank transfer within the EU:',
'D3UNZER_PAYMENT_PAGE_EMPTY_TEXT'=>'<p>Currently we have no shipping method set up for this country.</p> <p>We are aiming to find a possible delivery method and we will inform you as soon as possible via e-mail about the result, including further information about delivery costs.</p>',
"d3heidelpay_nohppaymenterror"=>"general technical system error",
'D3UNZER_PAYMENT_POSTFINANCE_NOTICE'=>'This payment method require Austria (CH) as invoice Country and CHF as currency .',
'D3UNZER_PAYMENT_PRZELEWY24_NOTICE'=>'This payment method require Poland (PL) as invoice Country and PLN as currency.',
'D3UNZER_PAYMENT_IDEAL_NOTICE'=>'This payment method require Nederlands (NL) as invoice Country and EUR as currency.',
'D3UNZER_PAYMENT_EPS_NOTICE'=>'This payment method require Austria (AT) as invoice Country and EUR as currency.',
'D3UNZER_PAYMENT_EASYCREDIT_NOTICE'=>'This payment method require Germany (DE) as invoice Country and EUR as currency, also a total basket amount between %s and %s Euro.',
"D3_UNZER_REDIRECT_NOSCRIPT"=>"Click here if you are not redirected.",
'D3UNZER_TIMEOUT_TIMER'=>'The input time ends with inactivity in: ',
'D3UNZER_OUTOFTIME_FORMULAR'=>'They were inactive for %s minutes.<br>The card data entry has been deactivated for your safety.<br>Please follow the link below and log in again if necessary.',
'D3UNZER_OUTOFTIME_LINK'=>'2. Select addresses',
'D3UNZER_PAYMENT_EASYCREDIT_CHECKBOX_NOT_CHECKED'=>'Please confirm the consent for easyCredit!',
'D3UNZER_ORDER_EASYCREDIT_NOCRITERIONS'=>'No criterion-parameters found. Please apply to the owner of the shop!',
'D3UNZER_ORDER_EASYCREDIT_NOOXIDPAYMENT'=>'Could not load payment. Please apply to the owner of the shop!',
'D3UNZER_ORDER_EASYCREDIT_NOTRANSACTION'=>'Could not load transaction. Please apply to the owner of the shop!',
'D3UNZER_ORDER_EASYCREDIT_TITLE'=>'Informations to the ',
'D3UNZER_ORDER_EASYCREDIT_LINK'=>'you can read here the pre-contractual informations of the hire-purchase',
'D3UNZER_ORDER_EASYCREDIT_ACCRUINGINTEREST'=>'interest of installment payment',
'D3UNZER_PAYMENT_COMPANY_WAREHOUSING_AND_SUPPORT_ACTIVITES_FOR_TRANSPORTATION'=>'Lagerei sowie Erbringung von sonstigen Dienstleistungen für den Verkehr',
'D3UNZER_PAYMENT_COMPANY_ACCOMMODATION'=>'Beherbergung: Hotels, Gasthöfe und Pensionen',
'D3UNZER_PAYMENT_COMPANY_MOTION_PICTURE_PRODUCTION_AND_SIMILAR_ACTIVITIES'=>'Herstellung, Verleih, Vertrieb von Filmen / Fernsehprogrammen; Kinos; Tonstudio/Verlegen von Musik',
'D3UNZER_PAYMENT_COMPANY_TRAVEL_AGENCY_AND_RELATED_ACTIVITIES'=>'Reisebüros, Reiseveranstalter und Erbringung sonstiger Reservierungsdienstleistungen',
'D3UNZER_PAYMENT_COMPANY_LIBRARIES_AND_SIMILAR_CULTURAL_ACTIVITIES'=>'Bibliotheken, Archive, Museen, botanische und zoologische Gärten',
'D3UNZER_PAYMENT_COMPANY_SPORTS_ACTIVITIES_AND_AMUSEMENT_AND_RECREATION_ACTIVITIES'=>'Erbringung von Dienstleistungen des Sports, der Unterhaltung und der Erholung',
'D3UNZER_PAYMENT_COMPANY_OTHER_PERSONAL_SERVICE_ACTIVITIES'=>'Erbringung von sonstigen überwiegend persönlichen Dienstleistungen',
'D3UNZER_PAYMENT_COMPANY_REPAIR_OF_COMPUTERS_AND_GOODS'=>'Reparatur von Datenverarbeitungsgeräten und Gebrauchsgütern',
'D3UNZER_PAYMENT_COMPANY_PRINTING_AND_REPRODUCTION_OF_RECORDED_MEDIA'=>'Herstellung von Druckerzeugnissen, Vervielfältigung von bespielten Ton-, Bild- und Datenträgern',
'D3UNZER_PAYMENT_COMPANY_OTHER_MANUFACTURING'=>'Herstellung von sonstigen Waren',
'D3UNZER_PAYMENT_COMPANY_OTHER_PROFESSIONAL_SCIENTIFIC_AND_TECHNICAL_ACTIVITIES'=>'Sonstige freiberufliche, wissenschaftliche und technische Tätigkeiten',
'D3UNZER_PAYMENT_COMPANY_ARTS_ENTERTAINMENT_AND_RECREATION'=>'Kreative, künstlerische und unterhaltende Tätigkeiten',
'D3UNZER_PAYMENT_MGW_ORDERERR_HANDLEDPAYMENT'=>'An error occurred while processing the payment, please contact the shop operator. Thank you very much.',
'D3UNZER_PAYMENT_MGW_EMPTY_PAYMENT_ID'=>'No payment ID is available from the previous session.',