# Generic test folder ### Usage: * Copy the folder "tests" directly into your module directory, for example: **"eshop/modules/oxps/mymodule/"** * Add new tests by adding files to **"tests/unit/module"** folder * To run all the tests just run the script **"tests/runtests.sh"** * To run a particular test class, just run the same script but add a path to the file: **EXAMPLE:** ./runtests.sh ./unit/module/somefileTest.php * To run code coverage run the "runcoverage.sh" script. **IMPORTANT:** Activate the module in the ADMIN before running the coverage. * If needs exclude some directorys or files, for that needs edit phpunit.xml file. For example if needs remove directory with content named testFiles needs in bracket add new line like: < whitelist addUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist="true"> < directory suffix=".php">../</directory> < exclude> .... < directory suffix=".php">../testFiles/</directory> .... < /exclude> * If module does not have vendor directory and is stored modules/moduleName, then needs edit phpunit.xml file and change path where can be found all shop original files and directorys: List for module with vendor directory: < blacklist> < directory suffix=".php">../../../../</directory> < /blacklist> List for module without vendor directory: < blacklist> < directory suffix=".php">../../../</directory> </ blacklist> * To run metrics first needs install pDepend(PHP depend - tool for metrics generation, default which was in PHPUNIT 3.4.* was removed in newest versions). how to do it is wrote there http://pdepend.org/download/index.html. * To run metrics is just enough execute file ./runmetrics.sh with root user right(required for writing)