87 lines
4.6 KiB
87 lines
4.6 KiB
{% set sImageUrl = oViewConf.getModuleUrl('d3unzer', 'out/img/') %}
{% set dynvalue = oView.getDynValue() %}
{% set oHeidelPaySettings = oHeidelpayViewConfig.getSettings() %}
{% set oHeidelPayment = oHeidelPaySettings.getPayment(paymentmethod) %}
{% set aBrands = oHeidelpayViewConfig.getHeidelpayNgwBrands(paymentmethod, oHeidelPayment, oxcmp_user) %}
{% set sBrandIdentIdeal = 'iDeal' %}
{% set sFullImageUrl = sImageUrl ~ 'logo_ideal.jpg' %}
{% block heidelpay_ideal %}
<div class="well well-sm">
<input type="radio"
{% if blD3HeidelpayAllowIdeal %}
id="payment_{{ sPaymentID }}"
value="{{ sPaymentID }}"
{% if oView.getCheckedPaymentId() == paymentmethod.oxpayments__oxid.value %}checked{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
<label for="payment_{{ sPaymentID }}">
<b>{{ paymentmethod.oxpayments__oxdesc.value }}</b>
{% include "@d3unzer/generic/payment_img.html.twig" with {sImageUrl: sFullImageUrl, sBrandIdent: sBrandIdentIdeal} %}
{% if false == blD3HeidelpayAllowIdeal %}
<dfn id="d3HeidelayPrzelewy24Notice"
class="alert alert-danger">{{ translate({ ident: "D3UNZER_PAYMENT_IDEAL_NOTICE" }) }}</dfn>
{% endif %}
<dd class="payment-option {% if oView.getCheckedPaymentId() == paymentmethod.oxpayments__oxid.value %}activePayment{% endif %}">
{% set oPaymentPrice = paymentmethod.getPrice() %}
{% if oPaymentPrice.getPrice() %}
{% if oViewConf.isFunctionalityEnabled('blShowVATForPayCharge') %}
({{ format_price(oPaymentPrice.getNettoPrice(), { currency: currency }) }}
{% if oPaymentPrice.getVatValue() > 0 %}
{{ translate({ ident: "PLUS_VAT" }) }} {{ format_price(oPaymentPrice.getVatValue(), { currency: currency }) }}
{% endif %})
{% else %}
({{ format_price(oPaymentPrice.getBruttoPrice(), { currency: currency }) }})
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if blD3HeidelpayAllowIdeal %}
{% if aBrands is iterable and 1 < count(aBrands) %}
<div class="form-group">
<label class="req col-lg-3"
for="payment_{{ sPaymentID }}_1">{{ translate({ ident: "D3UNZER_PAYMENT_INPUT_BANK" }) }}</label>
<input type="hidden" name="dynvalue[lsland]" value="NL">
<div class="col-lg-9">
<select class="form-control js-oxValidate js-oxValidate_notEmpty"
id="payment_{{ sPaymentID }}_1"
<option>{{ translate({ ident: "D3PAYMENT_EXT_SELECTPLEASE" }) }}</option>
{% for sBrandIdent, sBrandName in aBrands %}
<option value="{{ sBrandIdent }}"
{% if (dynvalue.lsbankname == sBrandIdent) %}selected{% endif %}>{{ sBrandName }}</option>
{% endfor %}
{% elseif aBrands is iterable %}
{% set current = aBrands|current %}
<input type="hidden" name="dynvalue[lsbankname]" value="{{ current }}"/>
{% else %}
<input type="hidden" name="dynvalue[lsbankname]" value="IDEAL_BRAND"/>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% block checkout_payment_longdesc %}
{% if paymentmethod.oxpayments__oxlongdesc.value %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12 col-lg-9 offset-lg-3">
<div class="alert alert-info desc">
{{ paymentmethod.oxpayments__oxlongdesc.getRawValue() }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}