**Daux.io** is an documentation generator that uses a simple folder structure and Markdown files to create custom documentation on the fly. It helps you create great looking documentation in a developer friendly way.
Download this repository as a zip, and unpack. Copy the files to a web server that can run PHP 5.3 or greater.
You can also run the documentation locally using Grunt.js, which is covered at the end of this readme.
If you don't intend to modify Daux.io and just want to use it, you only need to copy `resources`, `daux.phar`, `global.json`, `generate`, `serve` and `index.php` With these, you're ready to create your documentation.
If however you wish to do some advanced modifications, I recommend you use the raw version and run `composer install` to get started.
By default, the generator will look for folders in the `docs` folder. Add your folders inside the `docs` folder. This project contains some example folders and files to get you started.
If you'd prefer to keep your docs somewhere else (like outside of the daux.io root directory) you can specify your docs path in the `global.json` file.
The generator will look for Markdown files (`*.md` and `*.markdown`) inside the `docs` folder and any of the subfolders within `docs`. Additional extensions can be added by editing `global.json`
To sort your files and folders in a specific way, you can prefix them with a number and underscore, e.g. `/docs/01_Hello_World.md` and `/docs/05_Features.md` This will list *Hello World* before *Features*, overriding the default alpha-numeric sorting. The numbers will be stripped out of the navigation and urls. For the file `6 Ways to Get Rich`, you can use `/docs/_6_Ways_to_Get_Rich.md`
You might also wish to stick certain links to the bottom of a page. You can do so by appending a '-' to the start of the filename, e.g. a new file `/docs/-Contact_Us.md` will always appear at the bottom of the current list. Weights can also be added to further sort the bottom entries. e.g. `/docs/-01_Coming.md` will appear before `/docs/-02_Soon.md` but both will only appear after all positive or non-weighted files.
If you want to create a beautiful landing page for your project, create a `_index.md` file in the root of the `/docs` folder. This file will then be used to create a landing page. You can also add a tagline and image to this page using the config file like this:
By default, a folder will have no index page. if you wish to have one defined all you need to do is add an `index.md` file to the folder. For example, `/docs/01_Examples` has a landing page for that section since there exists a `/docs/01_Examples/index.md` file.
Creating a link to another page is done exactly like a normal markdown link. In the url part, start with `!` and set the absolute path to the file, omitting the numbering and file extension
A link to `01_Examples/05_Code_Highlighting.md` Would be written like this: `[Code Highlight Examples](!Examples/Code_Highlighting)`
The page generation will fail if a link is wrong.
## Configuration
To customize the look and feel of your documentation, you can create a `config.json` file in the of the `/docs` folder. The `config.json` file is a JSON object that you can use to change some of the basic settings of the documentation.
Set custom files and entire folders to ignore within your `/docs` folder. For files make sure to include the file extension in the name. For both files and folders, names are case-sensitive.
"ignore": {
"files": ["Work_In_Progress.md"],
"folders": ["99_Not_Ready"]
### Timezone
If your server does not have a default timezone set in php.ini, it may return errors when it tries to generate the last modified date/time for docs. To fix these errors, specify a timezone in your config file. Valid options are available in the [PHP Manual](http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php).
"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles"
### Multi-language
Enables multi-language support which needs seperate directories for each language in `docs/` folder.
Change the output format. It is recommended you set only formats that support the live mode as this will also
be read by the integrated web server. And you set the other formats (like confluence) only by command line
"format": "html"
### Processor
You can set the processor in the documentation or as an option to the command line. If you need it when running the server, you should add it to the configuration.
More information on how to create a Processor can be found [here](!For_Developers/Creating_a_Processor).
By default your code blocks will be floated to a column on the right side of your content. To disable this feature, set the `float` property to `false`.
Some users might wish to hide the code blocks & view just the documentation. By setting the `toggle_code` property to `true`, you can offer a toggle button on the page.
By default, daux.io will display the last modified time as reported by the system underneath the title for each document. To disable this, change the option in your config.json to false.
The connection requires three parameters `base_url`, `user` and `pass`. While `user` and `pass` don't really need an explanation, for `base_url` you need to set the path to the server without `rest/api`, this will be added automatically.
Now that the connection is defined, you need to tell it where you want your documentation to be uploaded.
For that you need a `space_id` (name that appears at the beginning of the urls) and an `ancestor_id`; the id of the page that will be the parent of the documentation's homepage.
You can obtain the `ancestor_id` id by editing the page you want to define as a parent: the ID is at the end of the URL
There are several ways to run the docs locally. You can use something like <ahref="http://www.mamp.info/en/index.html"target="_blank">MAMP</a> or <ahref="http://www.wampserver.com/en/"target="_blank">WAMP</a>.
For that i've included a short command, run `./serve` in the projects folder to start the local web server. By default the server will run at: <ahref="http://localhost:8085"target="_blank">http://localhost:8085</a>
If you need help using Daux.io, or have found a bug, please create an issue on the <ahref="https://github.com/justinwalsh/daux.io/issues"target="_blank">GitHub repo</a>.