add tests for some classes

Dieser Commit ist enthalten in:
Daniel Seifert 2022-07-11 15:06:18 +02:00
Ursprung 184695c076
Commit 67291c19da
Signiert von: DanielS
GPG-Schlüssel-ID: 8A7C4C6ED1915C6F
18 geänderte Dateien mit 1225 neuen und 27 gelöschten Zeilen

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@ -37,10 +37,9 @@ use ReflectionException;
class ClientTest extends ApiTestCase
public string $fixtureApiKey = 'fixtureApiKey';
public $fixtureApiKey = 'fixtureApiKey';
/** @var Client */
public Client $api;
public string $jsonFixture = 'json_content';
public $api;
* @return void

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@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
* This Software is the property of Data Development and is protected
* by copyright law - it is NOT Freeware.
* Any unauthorized use of this software without a valid license
* is a violation of the license agreement and will be prosecuted by
* civil and criminal law.
* http://www.shopmodule.com
* @copyright (C) D3 Data Development (Inh. Thomas Dartsch)
* @author D3 Data Development - Daniel Seifert <support@shopmodule.com>
* @link http://www.oxidmodule.com
declare( strict_types = 1 );
namespace D3\LinkmobilityClient\Tests\RecipientsList;
use D3\LinkmobilityClient\Client;
use D3\LinkmobilityClient\RecipientsList\RecipientsList;
use D3\LinkmobilityClient\Tests\ApiTestCase;
use D3\LinkmobilityClient\ValueObject\Recipient;
use libphonenumber\NumberParseException;
use libphonenumber\PhoneNumber;
use libphonenumber\PhoneNumberType;
use libphonenumber\PhoneNumberUtil;
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject;
use Psr\Log\AbstractLogger;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use ReflectionException;
use stdClass;
class RecipientsListTest extends ApiTestCase
/** @var RecipientsList */
public $recipientsList;
private $phoneNumberFixture = '01527565839';
private $phoneCountryFixture = 'DE';
* @return void
public function setUp():void
/** @var Client|MockObject $clientMock */
$clientMock = $this->getMockBuilder(Client::class)
$this->recipientsList = new RecipientsList($clientMock);
* @return void
public function tearDown(): void
* @test
* @return void
public function testConstruct()
/** @var Client|MockObject $clientMock */
$clientMock = $this->getMockBuilder(Client::class)
$this->recipientsList = new RecipientsList($clientMock);
* @test
* @throws ReflectionException
public function testGetPhoneNumberUtil()
* @test
* @throws ReflectionException
public function testAddValidNumber()
/** @var PhoneNumberUtil|MockObject $phoneNumberUtilMock */
$phoneNumberUtilMock = $this->getMockBuilder(PhoneNumberUtil::class)
->onlyMethods(['parse', 'isValidNumber', 'getNumberType'])
$phoneNumberUtilMock->method('parse')->willReturn(new PhoneNumber());
/** @var Recipient|MockObject $recipientMock */
$recipientMock = $this->getMockBuilder(Recipient::class)
->onlyMethods(['get', 'getCountryCode'])
->setConstructorArgs([$this->phoneNumberFixture, $this->phoneCountryFixture])
/** @var RecipientsList|MockObject $recListMock */
$recListMock = $this->getMockBuilder(RecipientsList::class)
$this->recipientsList = $recListMock;
$this->callMethod($this->recipientsList, 'getRecipientsList')
$this->callMethod($this->recipientsList, 'getRecipientsList')
* @test
* @throws ReflectionException
* @dataProvider addInvalidNumberDataProvider
public function testAddInvalidNumber($unparsable, $invalidNumber, $invalidNumberType)
/** @var PhoneNumberUtil|MockObject $phoneNumberUtilMock */
$phoneNumberUtilMock = $this->getMockBuilder(PhoneNumberUtil::class)
->onlyMethods(['parse', 'isValidNumber', 'getNumberType'])
if ($unparsable) {
$phoneNumberUtilMock->method( 'parse' )->willThrowException(new NumberParseException(0, 'message'));
} else {
$phoneNumberUtilMock->method( 'parse' )->willReturn( new PhoneNumber() );
$phoneNumberUtilMock->method( 'isValidNumber' )->willReturn( !$invalidNumber );
$phoneNumberUtilMock->method('getNumberType')->willReturn($invalidNumberType ? PhoneNumberType::FIXED_LINE : PhoneNumberType::MOBILE);
/** @var Recipient|MockObject $recipientMock */
$recipientMock = $this->getMockBuilder(Recipient::class)
->onlyMethods(['get', 'getCountryCode'])
->setConstructorArgs([$this->phoneNumberFixture, $this->phoneCountryFixture])
/** @var LoggerInterface|MockObject $loggerMock */
$loggerMock = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractLogger::class)
->onlyMethods(['info', 'log'])
/** @var Client|MockObject $clientMock */
$clientMock = $this->getMockBuilder(Client::class)
->onlyMethods(['hasLogger', 'getLogger'])
/** @var RecipientsList|MockObject $recListMock */
$recListMock = $this->getMockBuilder(RecipientsList::class)
$this->recipientsList = $recListMock;
$this->callMethod($this->recipientsList, 'getRecipientsList')
$this->callMethod($this->recipientsList, 'getRecipientsList')
* @return array[]
public function addInvalidNumberDataProvider(): array
return [
'unparsable' => [true, false, false],
'invalid number' => [false, true, false],
'invalid number type' => [false, false, true],
* @test
* @throws ReflectionException
public function testClearRecipents()
$this->callMethod($this->recipientsList, 'getRecipientsList')
$this->callMethod($this->recipientsList, 'getRecipientsList')
* @test
* @throws ReflectionException
public function testGetRecipients()
* @test
* @throws ReflectionException
public function testGetRecipientsList()
$recipientsList = $this->callMethod(
* @test
* @throws ReflectionException
public function testCurrentNextKeyRewind()
$list = $this->addRecipientFixture();
$current = $this->callMethod(
* @test
* @throws ReflectionException
public function testValid()
'fixture' => new stdClass()
* @test
* @throws ReflectionException
public function testSetGetClient()
/** @var Client|MockObject $clientMock */
$clientMock = $this->getMockBuilder(Client::class)
* @return Recipient[]|MockObject[]
* @throws ReflectionException
protected function addRecipientFixture(): array
/** @var Recipient|MockObject $recipientMock */
$recipientMock = $this->getMockBuilder( Recipient::class )
->onlyMethods( [
] )
->setConstructorArgs( [
] )
$recipientMock->method( 'get' )->willReturn( $this->phoneNumberFixture );
$recipientMock->method( 'getCountryCode' )->willReturn( $this->phoneCountryFixture );
/** @var Recipient|MockObject $recipientMock2 */
$recipientMock2 = $this->getMockBuilder( Recipient::class )
->onlyMethods( [
] )
->setConstructorArgs( [
] )
$recipientMock2->method( 'get' )->willReturn( $this->phoneNumberFixture );
$recipientMock2->method( 'getCountryCode' )->willReturn( $this->phoneCountryFixture );
$list = [
'fixture' => $recipientMock,
'fixture2' => $recipientMock2
return $list;

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@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ use ReflectionException;
class UrlTest extends ApiTestCase
/** @var Url */
public Url $url;
public $url;
* @return void

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@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
* This Software is the property of Data Development and is protected
* by copyright law - it is NOT Freeware.
* Any unauthorized use of this software without a valid license
* is a violation of the license agreement and will be prosecuted by
* civil and criminal law.
* http://www.shopmodule.com
* @copyright (C) D3 Data Development (Inh. Thomas Dartsch)
* @author D3 Data Development - Daniel Seifert <support@shopmodule.com>
* @link http://www.oxidmodule.com
declare( strict_types = 1 );
namespace D3\LinkmobilityClient\Tests\ValueObject;
use Assert\InvalidArgumentException;
use D3\LinkmobilityClient\Tests\ApiTestCase;
use D3\LinkmobilityClient\ValueObject\Recipient;
use libphonenumber\NumberParseException;
use libphonenumber\PhoneNumber;
use libphonenumber\PhoneNumberUtil;
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject;
use ReflectionException;
class RecipientTest extends ApiTestCase
/** @var Recipient */
public $recipient;
private $phoneNumberFixture = '01527565839';
private $phoneCountryFixture = 'DE';
* @return void
* @throws NumberParseException
public function setUp():void
$this->recipient = new Recipient($this->phoneNumberFixture, $this->phoneCountryFixture);
* @return void
public function tearDown(): void
* @test
* @return void
* @throws NumberParseException
* @throws ReflectionException
public function testConstructValid()
/** @var PhoneNumberUtil|MockObject $phoneNumberUtilMock */
$phoneNumberUtilMock = $this->getMockBuilder(PhoneNumberUtil::class)
->onlyMethods(['parse', 'format'])
$phoneNumberUtilMock->method('parse')->willReturn(new PhoneNumber());
/** @var Recipient|MockObject $recipientMock */
$recipientMock = $this->getMockBuilder(Recipient::class)
$recipientMock->__construct($this->phoneNumberFixture, $this->phoneCountryFixture);
* @test
* @param $number
* @param $country
* @param $validNumber
* @param $expectedException
* @return void
* @throws NumberParseException
* @dataProvider constructInvalidDataProvider
public function testConstructInvalid($number, $country, $validNumber, $expectedException)
/** @var PhoneNumberUtil|MockObject $phoneNumberUtilMock */
$phoneNumberUtilMock = $this->getMockBuilder(PhoneNumberUtil::class)
->onlyMethods(['parse', 'format', 'isValidNumber'])
if ($number === 'abc') {
$phoneNumberUtilMock->method( 'parse' )->willThrowException(new NumberParseException(0, 'message'));
} else {
$phoneNumberUtilMock->method( 'parse' )->willReturn( new PhoneNumber() );
/** @var Recipient|MockObject $recipientMock */
$recipientMock = $this->getMockBuilder(Recipient::class)
$recipientMock->__construct($number, $country);
* @return string[][]
public function constructInvalidDataProvider(): array
return [
'empty number' => ['', 'DE', true, InvalidArgumentException::class],
'invalid country code' => [$this->phoneNumberFixture, 'DEX', true, InvalidArgumentException::class],
'unparsable' => ['abc', 'DE', true, NumberParseException::class],
'invalid number' => ['abc', 'DE', false, NumberParseException::class]
* @test
* @throws ReflectionException
public function testGetPhoneNumberUtil()

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@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
* This Software is the property of Data Development and is protected
* by copyright law - it is NOT Freeware.
* Any unauthorized use of this software without a valid license
* is a violation of the license agreement and will be prosecuted by
* civil and criminal law.
* http://www.shopmodule.com
* @copyright (C) D3 Data Development (Inh. Thomas Dartsch)
* @author D3 Data Development - Daniel Seifert <support@shopmodule.com>
* @link http://www.oxidmodule.com
declare( strict_types = 1 );
namespace D3\LinkmobilityClient\Tests\ValueObject;
use Assert\InvalidArgumentException;
use D3\LinkmobilityClient\Exceptions\RecipientException;
use D3\LinkmobilityClient\Tests\ApiTestCase;
use D3\LinkmobilityClient\ValueObject\Sender;
use libphonenumber\NumberParseException;
use libphonenumber\PhoneNumber;
use libphonenumber\PhoneNumberUtil;
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject;
use ReflectionException;
class SenderTest extends ApiTestCase
/** @var Sender */
public $sender;
private $phoneNumberFixture = '015792300219';
private $phoneCountryFixture = 'DE';
* @return void
* @throws NumberParseException
* @throws RecipientException
public function setUp():void
$this->sender = new Sender( $this->phoneNumberFixture, $this->phoneCountryFixture);
* @return void
public function tearDown(): void
* @test
* @return void
* @throws NumberParseException
* @throws RecipientException
* @throws ReflectionException
public function testConstructValid()
/** @var PhoneNumberUtil|MockObject $phoneNumberUtilMock */
$phoneNumberUtilMock = $this->getMockBuilder(PhoneNumberUtil::class)
->onlyMethods(['parse', 'format', 'isValidNumber'])
$phoneNumberUtilMock->method('parse')->willReturn(new PhoneNumber());
/** @var Sender|MockObject $senderMock */
$senderMock = $this->getMockBuilder(Sender::class)
$senderMock->__construct($this->phoneNumberFixture, $this->phoneCountryFixture);
* @test
* @param $number
* @param $country
* @param $validNumber
* @param $expectedException
* @throws NumberParseException
* @throws RecipientException
* @dataProvider constructInvalidDataProvider
public function testConstructInvalid($number, $country, $validNumber, $expectedException)
/** @var PhoneNumberUtil|MockObject $phoneNumberUtilMock */
$phoneNumberUtilMock = $this->getMockBuilder(PhoneNumberUtil::class)
->onlyMethods(['parse', 'format', 'isValidNumber'])
if ($number === 'abc') {
$phoneNumberUtilMock->method( 'parse' )->willThrowException(new NumberParseException(0, 'message'));
} else {
$phoneNumberUtilMock->method( 'parse' )->willReturn( new PhoneNumber() );
/** @var Sender|MockObject $senderMock */
$senderMock = $this->getMockBuilder(Sender::class)
$senderMock->__construct($number, $country);
* @return string[][]
public function constructInvalidDataProvider(): array
return [
'empty number' => ['', 'DE', true, InvalidArgumentException::class],
'invalid country code' => [$this->phoneNumberFixture, 'DEX', true, InvalidArgumentException::class],
'unparsable' => ['abc', 'DE', true, NumberParseException::class],
'invalid number' => ['abc', 'DE', false, NumberParseException::class]
* @test
* @throws ReflectionException
public function testGetPhoneNumberUtil()

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@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
* This Software is the property of Data Development and is protected
* by copyright law - it is NOT Freeware.
* Any unauthorized use of this software without a valid license
* is a violation of the license agreement and will be prosecuted by
* civil and criminal law.
* http://www.shopmodule.com
* @copyright (C) D3 Data Development (Inh. Thomas Dartsch)
* @author D3 Data Development - Daniel Seifert <support@shopmodule.com>
* @link http://www.oxidmodule.com
declare( strict_types = 1 );
namespace D3\LinkmobilityClient\Tests\ValueObject;
use Assert\InvalidArgumentException;
use D3\LinkmobilityClient\Tests\ApiTestCase;
use D3\LinkmobilityClient\ValueObject\SmsBinaryMessage;
use Phlib\SmsLength\SmsLength;
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject;
use ReflectionException;
class SmsBinaryMessageTest extends ApiTestCase
/** @var SmsBinaryMessage */
public $message;
private $messageFixture = "testMessage";
* @return void
public function setUp():void
$this->message = new SmsBinaryMessage( $this->messageFixture);
* @return void
public function tearDown(): void
* @test
* @return void
* @throws ReflectionException
public function testConstructValid()
/** @var SmsLength|MockObject $smsLengthMock */
$smsLengthMock = $this->getMockBuilder(SmsLength::class)
/** @var SmsBinaryMessage|MockObject $message */
$message = $this->getMockBuilder(SmsBinaryMessage::class)
* @test
* @param $binaryMessage
* @param $valid
* @param $expectedException
* @throws ReflectionException
* @dataProvider constructInvalidDataProvider
public function testConstructInvalid($binaryMessage, $valid, $expectedException)
/** @var SmsLength|MockObject $smsLengthMock */
$smsLengthMock = $this->getMockBuilder(SmsLength::class)
if ($valid) {
$smsLengthMock->expects( $this->never() )->method( 'validate' )->willReturn( true );
} else {
$smsLengthMock->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )->method( 'validate' )->willThrowException(new \Phlib\SmsLength\Exception\InvalidArgumentException());
/** @var SmsBinaryMessage|MockObject $message */
$message = $this->getMockBuilder(SmsBinaryMessage::class)
* @return string[][]
public function constructInvalidDataProvider(): array
return [
'empty message' => ['', true, InvalidArgumentException::class],
'invalid sms message' => ['abc', false, \Phlib\SmsLength\Exception\InvalidArgumentException::class]
* @test
* @throws ReflectionException
public function testGetSmsLengthInstance()
* @throws ReflectionException
public function testGetChunkCount()
$expected = 2;
/** @var SmsLength|MockObject $smsLengthMock */
$smsLengthMock = $this->getMockBuilder(SmsLength::class)
->onlyMethods(['getMessageCount', 'validate'])
/** @var SmsBinaryMessage|MockObject $message */
$message = $this->getMockBuilder(SmsBinaryMessage::class)
* @throws ReflectionException
public function testGetSize()
$expected = 55;
/** @var SmsLength|MockObject $smsLengthMock */
$smsLengthMock = $this->getMockBuilder(SmsLength::class)
->onlyMethods(['getSize', 'validate'])
/** @var SmsBinaryMessage|MockObject $message */
$message = $this->getMockBuilder(SmsBinaryMessage::class)
* @throws ReflectionException
public function testGetMessageContent()
/** @var SmsLength|MockObject $smsLengthMock */
$smsLengthMock = $this->getMockBuilder(SmsLength::class)
/** @var SmsBinaryMessage|MockObject $message */
$message = $this->getMockBuilder(SmsBinaryMessage::class)
['dGVzdE1lc3NhZ2U='], // binary content

Datei anzeigen

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
* This Software is the property of Data Development and is protected
* by copyright law - it is NOT Freeware.
* Any unauthorized use of this software without a valid license
* is a violation of the license agreement and will be prosecuted by
* civil and criminal law.
* http://www.shopmodule.com
* @copyright (C) D3 Data Development (Inh. Thomas Dartsch)
* @author D3 Data Development - Daniel Seifert <support@shopmodule.com>
* @link http://www.oxidmodule.com
declare( strict_types = 1 );
namespace D3\LinkmobilityClient\Tests\ValueObject;
use D3\LinkmobilityClient\ValueObject\SmsTextMessage;
use Phlib\SmsLength\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Phlib\SmsLength\SmsLength;
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject;
use ReflectionException;
class SmsTextMessageTest extends SmsBinaryMessageTest
/** @var SmsTextMessage */
public $message;
private $messageFixture = "testMessage";
* @return void
public function setUp():void
$this->message = new SmsTextMessage( $this->messageFixture);
* @test
* @return void
* @throws ReflectionException
public function testConstructValid()
/** @var SmsLength|MockObject $smsLengthMock */
$smsLengthMock = $this->getMockBuilder(SmsLength::class)
/** @var SmsTextMessage|MockObject $message */
$message = $this->getMockBuilder(SmsTextMessage::class)
* @test
* @param $binaryMessage
* @param $valid
* @param $expectedException
* @throws ReflectionException
* @dataProvider constructInvalidDataProvider
public function testConstructInvalid($binaryMessage, $valid, $expectedException)
/** @var SmsLength|MockObject $smsLengthMock */
$smsLengthMock = $this->getMockBuilder(SmsLength::class)
if ($valid) {
$smsLengthMock->expects( $this->never() )->method( 'validate' )->willReturn( true );
} else {
$smsLengthMock->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )->method( 'validate' )->willThrowException(new InvalidArgumentException());
/** @var SmsTextMessage|MockObject $message */
$message = $this->getMockBuilder(SmsTextMessage::class)

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@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"ext-json": "*"
"require-dev": {
"php": "^7.2",
"php": "^7.2",
"phpunit/phpunit" : "^8.0",
"friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer": "^2.0"

Datei anzeigen

@ -114,9 +114,9 @@ class Client
* @return LoggerInterface
* @return LoggerInterface|null
public function getLogger(): ?LoggerInterface
public function getLogger()
return $this->hasLogger() ? $this->logger : null;

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@ -43,9 +43,22 @@ class RecipientsList implements RecipientsListInterface, Iterator
* @return PhoneNumberUtil
protected function getPhoneNumberUtil(): PhoneNumberUtil
return PhoneNumberUtil::getInstance();
* @param Recipient $recipient
* @return RecipientsListInterface
public function add(Recipient $recipient) : RecipientsListInterface
$phoneUtil = PhoneNumberUtil::getInstance();
$phoneUtil = $this->getPhoneNumberUtil();
try {
$phoneNumber = $phoneUtil->parse( $recipient->get(), $recipient->getCountryCode() );
@ -64,6 +77,7 @@ class RecipientsList implements RecipientsListInterface, Iterator
$this->recipients[ md5( serialize( $recipient ) ) ] = $recipient;
} catch (NumberParseException $e) {
if ($this->getClient()->hasLogger()) {
@ -77,6 +91,9 @@ class RecipientsList implements RecipientsListInterface, Iterator
return $this;
* @return RecipientsListInterface
public function clearRecipents() : RecipientsListInterface
$this->recipients = [];
@ -127,7 +144,7 @@ class RecipientsList implements RecipientsListInterface, Iterator
public function rewind()
return reset($this->recipients);
public function valid(): bool
@ -145,9 +162,13 @@ class RecipientsList implements RecipientsListInterface, Iterator
* @param Client $client
* @return RecipientsList
public function setClient( Client $client )
public function setClient( Client $client ): RecipientsList
$this->client = $client;
return $this;

Datei anzeigen

@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ namespace D3\LinkmobilityClient\SMS;
use D3\LinkmobilityClient\Client;
use D3\LinkmobilityClient\ValueObject\SmsBinaryMessage;
use D3\LinkmobilityClient\ValueObject\SmsMessageInterface;
use D3\LinkmobilityClient\ValueObject\SmsTextMessage;
use Phlib\SmsLength\SmsLength;

Datei anzeigen

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class Recipient extends StringValueObject
$phoneUtil = PhoneNumberUtil::getInstance();
$phoneUtil = $this->getPhoneNumberUtil();
$phoneNumber = $phoneUtil->parse($number, strtoupper($iso2CountryCode));
$number = ltrim($phoneUtil->format($phoneNumber, PhoneNumberFormat::E164), '+');
@ -35,6 +35,14 @@ class Recipient extends StringValueObject
$this->countryCode = $iso2CountryCode;
* @return PhoneNumberUtil
protected function getPhoneNumberUtil(): PhoneNumberUtil
return PhoneNumberUtil::getInstance();
* @return string

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class Sender extends StringValueObject
$phoneUtil = PhoneNumberUtil::getInstance();
$phoneUtil = $this->getPhoneNumberUtil();
$phoneNumber = $phoneUtil->parse( $number, strtoupper($iso2CountryCode) );
$number = $phoneUtil->format( $phoneNumber, PhoneNumberFormat::E164 );
@ -35,4 +35,12 @@ class Sender extends StringValueObject
parent::__construct( $number);
* @return PhoneNumberUtil
protected function getPhoneNumberUtil(): PhoneNumberUtil
return PhoneNumberUtil::getInstance();

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@ -15,17 +15,16 @@ class SmsBinaryMessage extends SmsMessageAbstract
parent::__construct( $message);
$smsLength = new SmsLength($this->value);
* @return array|false|string
* @return array|false
public function getMessageContent()
return str_split(

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@ -8,13 +8,20 @@ use Phlib\SmsLength\SmsLength;
abstract class SmsMessageAbstract extends StringValueObject implements SmsMessageInterface
* @return SmsLength
public function getSmsLength(): SmsLength
return new SmsLength($this->get());
* @return int
public function chunkCount() : int
$smsLength = new SmsLength($this->value);
return $smsLength->getMessageCount();
return $this->getSmsLength()->getMessageCount();
@ -22,12 +29,11 @@ abstract class SmsMessageAbstract extends StringValueObject implements SmsMessag
public function length() : int
$smsLength = new SmsLength($this->value);
return $smsLength->getSize();
return $this->getSmsLength()->getSize();
public function getMessageContent() : string
public function getMessageContent()
return (string) $this->value;
return $this->get();

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@ -21,5 +21,5 @@ interface SmsMessageInterface
public function length() : int;
public function getMessageContent() : string;
public function getMessageContent();

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@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
namespace D3\LinkmobilityClient\ValueObject;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use Phlib\SmsLength\SmsLength;
class SmsTextMessage extends SmsMessageAbstract
@ -17,7 +16,7 @@ class SmsTextMessage extends SmsMessageAbstract
parent::__construct( $message);
$smsLength = new SmsLength($this->value);
$smsLength = $this->getSmsLength();

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@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ abstract class StringValueObject extends ValueObject
return $this->get();
public function get() : string
public function get(): string
return $this->value;