Markus Gärtner 321c92e830
Write Report in a file
- Write a report in acsv-file in log-Folder
- set the HTTP-Code 500 and 404 as an error
2019-07-17 17:17:28 +02:00

208 regels
6.5 KiB

* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* @copyright (c) Proud Sourcing GmbH | 2016
* @link
* @package psCacheWarmer
* @version 1.0.1
namespace ProudCommerce\CacheWarmer\Application\Controller;
use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Registry;
use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Controller\BaseController;
class CacheWarmer extends BaseController
protected $_sFileAndPathToExportFile = '';
protected $_handle = null;
protected $_sSeparator = ";";
protected $_sEnclosure = "'";
// todo: add to config
protected $_aHttpCodesIsOkay = array('200','302');
* Executes cache warmer
public function render()
$sMessage = "<b>psCacheWarmer</b><br>".$this->_getSitemapUrl()."<br>---<br>";
$this->_sFileAndPathToExportFile = $this->_getPathWithFileName();
if(Registry::getConfig()->getShopConfVar('psCacheWarmerWriteCsv') == true)
$this->_handle = fopen( $this->_sFileAndPathToExportFile, "w+");;
if($this->_checkAuthentification()) {
$aUrls = $this->_getSitemapContent();
if(!empty(Registry::getConfig()->getShopConfVar('psCacheWarmerSitemapUrl')) && count($aUrls) > 0) {
foreach($aUrls as $sUrl) {
$oCurl = $this->_runCurlConnect($sUrl);
$sMessage .= $this->_checkCurlResults($oCurl,$sUrl);
} else {
$sMessage .= '<span style="color: red;">Keine Daten vorhanden!</span>';
} else {
$sMessage .= '<span style="color: red;">Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen!</span>';
if(Registry::getConfig()->getShopConfVar('psCacheWarmerWriteCsv') == true)
echo '<pre>'.$sMessage.'</pre>';
* @param $sUrl
* @return false|resource
protected function _runCurlConnect($sUrl)
$oCurl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_URL, $sUrl);
curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 25);
curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
$sUsername = Registry::getConfig()->getShopConfVar('psCacheWarmerUser');
$sPassword = Registry::getConfig()->getShopConfVar('psCacheWarmerPass');
curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $sUsername . ":" . $sPassword);
return $oCurl;
protected function _checkCurlResults($oCurl,$sUrl)
$sMessage = '';
$httpStatus = curl_getinfo($oCurl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
if(curl_error($oCurl)) {
$sMessage .= '<span style="color: orange;">ERROR '.$httpStatus.': ' . curl_error($oCurl) . '</span><br>';
$sStatusMsg = 'ERROR';
$sTmpText = curl_error($oCurl);
} else {
$sTmpText = $sUrl;
$sMessage .= '<span style="color: green;">OK '.$httpStatus.': ' . $sUrl . '</span><br>';
$sStatusMsg = 'OK';
$sMessage .= '<span style="color: red;">ERROR <b>'.$httpStatus.'</b>: ' . $sUrl. '</span><br>';
$sStatusMsg = 'ERROR';
if(Registry::getConfig()->getShopConfVar('psCacheWarmerWriteCsv') == true)
$aTmp = array($sStatusMsg,
if(trim($httpStatus) == '200' && Registry::getConfig()->getShopConfVar('psCacheWarmerWriteCsvOnlyError') == true)
$aTmp = array();
if(count($aTmp)) {
fputcsv($this->_handle, $aTmp, $this->_sSeparator, $this->_sEnclosure);
return $sMessage;
* Returens urls from sitemap
* @return array urls
protected function _getSitemapContent($sSitemapUrl = "")
$aUrls = array();
if(empty($sSitemapUrl)) {
$sSitemapUrl = $this->_getSitemapUrl();
$sUsername = Registry::getConfig()->getShopConfVar('psCacheWarmerUser');
$sPassword = Registry::getConfig()->getShopConfVar('psCacheWarmerPass');
$sSitemapUrl = str_replace("://", "://".$sUsername.":".$sPassword."@", $sSitemapUrl);
$sSitemapXmlData = @file_get_contents($sSitemapUrl);
if($oSitemap = @simplexml_load_string($sSitemapXmlData)) {
if (count($oSitemap->sitemap) > 0) {
foreach ($oSitemap->sitemap as $oSubSitemap) {
$sNextSitemapUrl = (string)$oSubSitemap->loc;
$aUrls = array_merge($aUrls, $this->_getSitemapContent($sNextSitemapUrl));
if(count($oSitemap->url) > 0) {
foreach($oSitemap->url as $oSitemapUrl) {
$aUrls[] = (string)$oSitemapUrl->loc;
return $aUrls;
* Returens sitemap url
* @return string sitemap url
protected function _getSitemapUrl()
$sSitemapUrl = Registry::getConfig()->getConfigParam('sShopURL');
$sSitemapUrl .= Registry::getConfig()->getShopConfVar('psCacheWarmerSitemapUrl');
return $sSitemapUrl;
* Checks authentification
* @return bool true|false
protected function _checkAuthentification()
$oConfig = Registry::getConfig();
$sKey = Registry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter("key");
$sSavedKey = $oConfig->getShopConfVar('psCacheWarmerKey', $oConfig->getShopId());
if($sSavedKey == $sKey) {
return true;
return false;
* Return Path with Filename, from /log
* @return string
protected function _getPathWithFileName()
return Registry::getConfig()->getConfigParam('sShopDir').'/log/'.$this->_getFileName();
* Return Filename, Formae psCacheWarmerReport_20190717-122345.csv
* @return string
protected function _getFileName()
return 'psCacheWarmerReport_'.date("Ymd-His").".csv";