suggest GeoBlocking module

Cette révision appartient à :
Daniel Seifert 2021-12-13 15:07:39 +01:00
Parent 693201e01e
révision 01da284417
Signé par: DanielS
ID de la clé GPG: 8A7C4C6ED1915C6F

Voir le fichier

@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
"oxid-projects/tags-module": "This is a tags module for OXID eShop.",
"vanilla-thunder/fix-phpmailer": "Fix for OXID eShop: PHPMailer bug #751",
"proudcommerce/pcsummernotefix": "Fixes summernote problem while saving content with smarty tags.",
"oxid-esales/geo-blocking-module": "The module enables OXID eShop to be compliant with the EU geo-blocking regulations.",
"d3/oxid-sql-logger": "[DEV] Returns all SQL queries into console of a Browser.",
"oxid-esales/module-generator": "[DEV] Folders structure, empty classes and metadata generation for new OXID eShop modules.",