2013-07-25 23:50:43 +02:00

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Executable File

* Container.js
* Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
* Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
* Container control. This is extended by all controls that can have
* children such as panels etc. You can also use this class directly as an
* generic container instance. The container doesn't have any specific role or style.
* @-x-less Container.less
* @class tinymce.ui.Container
* @extends tinymce.ui.Control
define("tinymce/ui/Container", [
], function(Control, Collection, Selector, Factory, Tools, DomUtils) {
"use strict";
var selectorCache = {};
return Control.extend({
layout: '',
innerClass: 'container-inner',
* Constructs a new control instance with the specified settings.
* @constructor
* @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
* @setting {Array} items Items to add to container in JSON format or control instances.
* @setting {String} layout Layout manager by name to use.
* @setting {Object} defaults Default settings to apply to all items.
init: function(settings) {
var self = this;
settings = self.settings;
self._fixed = settings.fixed;
self._items = new Collection();
self.addClass('container-body', 'body');
if (settings.containerCls) {
self._layout = Factory.create((settings.layout || self.layout) + 'layout');
if (self.settings.items) {
// TODO: Fix this!
self._hasBody = true;
* Returns a collection of child items that the container currently have.
* @method items
* @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Control collection direct child controls.
items: function() {
return this._items;
* Find child controls by selector.
* @method find
* @param {String} selector Selector CSS pattern to find children by.
* @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Control collection with child controls.
find: function(selector) {
selector = selectorCache[selector] = selectorCache[selector] || new Selector(selector);
return selector.find(this);
* Adds one or many items to the current container. This will create instances of
* the object representations if needed.
* @method add
* @param {Array/Object/tinymce.ui.Control} items Array or item that will be added to the container.
* @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current collection control.
add: function(items) {
var self = this;
return self;
* Focuses the current container instance. This will look
* for the first control in the container and focus that.
* @method focus
* @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Current instance.
focus: function() {
var self = this;
if (self.keyNav) {
} else {
return self;
* Replaces the specified child control with a new control.
* @method replace
* @param {tinymce.ui.Control} oldItem Old item to be replaced.
* @param {tinymce.ui.Control} newItem New item to be inserted.
replace: function(oldItem, newItem) {
var ctrlElm, items = this.items(), i = items.length;
// Replace the item in collection
while (i--) {
if (items[i] === oldItem) {
items[i] = newItem;
if (i >= 0) {
// Remove new item from DOM
ctrlElm = newItem.getEl();
if (ctrlElm) {
// Remove old item from DOM
ctrlElm = oldItem.getEl();
if (ctrlElm) {
// Adopt the item
* Creates the specified items. If any of the items is plain JSON style objects
* it will convert these into real tinymce.ui.Control instances.
* @method create
* @param {Array} items Array of items to convert into control instances.
* @return {Array} Array with control instances.
create: function(items) {
var self = this, settings, ctrlItems = [];
// Non array structure, then force it into an array
if (!Tools.isArray(items)) {
items = [items];
// Add default type to each child control
Tools.each(items, function(item) {
if (item) {
// Construct item if needed
if (!(item instanceof Control)) {
// Name only then convert it to an object
if (typeof(item) == "string") {
item = {type: item};
// Create control instance based on input settings and default settings
settings = Tools.extend({}, self.settings.defaults, item);
item.type = settings.type = settings.type || item.type || self.settings.defaultType ||
(settings.defaults ? settings.defaults.type : null);
item = Factory.create(settings);
return ctrlItems;
* Renders new control instances.
* @private
renderNew: function() {
var self = this;
// Render any new items
self.items().each(function(ctrl, index) {
var containerElm, fragment;
if (!ctrl._rendered) {
containerElm = self.getEl('body');
fragment = DomUtils.createFragment(ctrl.renderHtml());
// Insert or append the item
if (containerElm.hasChildNodes() && index <= containerElm.childNodes.length - 1) {
containerElm.insertBefore(fragment, containerElm.childNodes[index]);
} else {
self._lastRect = null;
return self;
* Appends new instances to the current container.
* @method append
* @param {Array/tinymce.ui.Collection} items Array if controls to append.
* @return {tinymce.ui.Container} Current container instance.
append: function(items) {
return this.add(items).renderNew();
* Prepends new instances to the current container.
* @method prepend
* @param {Array/tinymce.ui.Collection} items Array if controls to prepend.
* @return {tinymce.ui.Container} Current container instance.
prepend: function(items) {
var self = this;
return self.renderNew();
* Inserts an control at a specific index.
* @method insert
* @param {Array/tinymce.ui.Collection} items Array if controls to insert.
* @param {Number} index Index to insert controls at.
* @param {Boolean} [before=false] Inserts controls before the index.
insert: function(items, index, before) {
var self = this, curItems, beforeItems, afterItems;
items = self.create(items);
curItems = self.items();
if (!before && index < curItems.length - 1) {
index += 1;
if (index >= 0 && index < curItems.length) {
beforeItems = curItems.slice(0, index).toArray();
afterItems = curItems.slice(index).toArray();
curItems.set(beforeItems.concat(items, afterItems));
return self.renderNew();
* Populates the form fields from the specified JSON data object.
* Control items in the form that matches the data will have it's value set.
* @method fromJSON
* @param {Object} data JSON data object to set control values by.
* @return {tinymce.ui.Container} Current form instance.
fromJSON: function(data) {
var self = this;
for (var name in data) {
self.find('#' + name).value(data[name]);
return self;
* Serializes the form into a JSON object by getting all items
* that has a name and a value.
* @method toJSON
* @return {Object} JSON object with form data.
toJSON: function() {
var self = this, data = {};
self.find('*').each(function(ctrl) {
var name = ctrl.name(), value = ctrl.value();
if (name && typeof(value) != "undefined") {
data[name] = value;
return data;
preRender: function() {
* Renders the control as a HTML string.
* @method renderHtml
* @return {String} HTML representing the control.
renderHtml: function() {
var self = this, layout = self._layout;
return (
'<div id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes() + '" role="' + this.settings.role + '">' +
'<div id="' + self._id + '-body" class="' + self.classes('body') + '">'+
(self.settings.html || '') + layout.renderHtml(self) +
'</div>' +
* Post render method. Called after the control has been rendered to the target.
* @method postRender
* @return {tinymce.ui.Container} Current combobox instance.
postRender: function() {
var self = this, box;
self._rendered = true;
if (self.settings.style) {
DomUtils.css(self.getEl(), self.settings.style);
if (self.settings.border) {
box = self.borderBox();
DomUtils.css(self.getEl(), {
'border-top-width': box.top,
'border-right-width': box.right,
'border-bottom-width': box.bottom,
'border-left-width': box.left
return self;
* Initializes the current controls layout rect.
* This will be executed by the layout managers to determine the
* default minWidth/minHeight etc.
* @method initLayoutRect
* @return {Object} Layout rect instance.
initLayoutRect: function() {
var self = this, layoutRect = self._super();
// Recalc container size by asking layout manager
return layoutRect;
* Recalculates the positions of the controls in the current container.
* This is invoked by the reflow method and shouldn't be called directly.
* @method recalc
recalc: function() {
var self = this, rect = self._layoutRect, lastRect = self._lastRect;
if (!lastRect || lastRect.w != rect.w || lastRect.h != rect.h) {
rect = self.layoutRect();
self._lastRect = {x: rect.x, y: rect.y, w: rect.w, h: rect.h};
return true;
* Reflows the current container and it's children and possible parents.
* This should be used after you for example append children to the current control so
* that the layout managers know that they need to reposition everything.
* @example
* container.append({type: 'button', text: 'My button'}).reflow();
* @method reflow
* @return {tinymce.ui.Container} Current container instance.
reflow: function() {
var i, items;
if (this.visible()) {
Control.repaintControls = [];
Control.repaintControls.map = {};
items = this.recalc();
i = Control.repaintControls.length;
while (i--) {
// TODO: Fix me!
if (this.settings.layout !== "flow" && this.settings.layout !== "stack") {
Control.repaintControls = [];
return this;