400 regels
17 KiB
400 regels
17 KiB
{% include "headitem.html.twig" with {title: "GENERAL_ADMIN_TITLE"|translate} %}
<script type="text/javascript">
{% if updatelist == 1 %}
UpdateList('{{ oxid }}');
{% endif %}
function getDetails(sElemId, sDisplayType)
if (!sDisplayType) sDisplayType = 'table-row';
let oElem = document.getElementById(sElemId);
if (oElem.style.display === sDisplayType)
oElem.style.display = 'none';
oElem.style.display = sDisplayType;
function getUpdateStatus()
body {
background-color: {% if oView.getBgColor() %}{{ oView.getBgColor() }}{% else %}#FAFAFA{% endif %};
margin: 0;
div.box {
border: 0 none transparent;
height: 253px;
background: none {% if oView.getBgColor() %}{{ oView.getBgColor() }}#FAFAFA{% endif %} !important;
div.actions {
display: none;
border: 1px inset black;
background-color: #F0F0F0;
font-weight: bold;
dl dt{
font-weight: normal;
width: 55%;
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padding: 2px;
td.edittext {
white-space: normal;
td.noaction img,
td.action img {
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.box td.listitem
padding: 2px 5px;
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padding-left: 5px;
padding-right: 5px;
td.listitem img,
td.listitem2 img,
td.listitem .image,
td.listitem2 .image {
height: 20px;
.d3install_btn {
.statusyellow {
width: 5px;
background-color: #FFCC00;
.statusgreen {
width: 5px;
background-color: #00CC22;
.statusblue {
width: 5px;
background-color: #0000FF;
.box td.listitem.itemerror,
.box td.listitem2.itemerror {
color: darkred;
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color: #888
dl {
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dl dt {
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h4 {
margin-top: 0;
<form action="{{ oViewConf.getSelfLink()|raw }}" method="post" id="activationform">
{{ oViewConf.getHiddenSid()|raw }}
<input type="hidden" name="cl" value="{{ oViewConf.getActiveClassName()|raw }}">
<input type="hidden" name="modid" value="{{ oModule.d3GetModId() }}">
{% if oView.isLicenseRequired() and oView.getNextStep() == 'getActivationType' %}
<input type="hidden" name="fnc" value="setStep1">
<h4>{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_TYPE_HEADLINE" }) }}</h4>
<table style="border-style: none; padding: 0; border-spacing: 0; border-collapse: collapse">
{% set listclass = "listitem2" %}
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
<input id="boughtoxidmodule" value="boughtoxidmodule" type="radio" name="activationtype">
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
<label for="boughtoxidmodule">{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_TYPE_OXIDMODULE" }) }}</label>
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
{% if oModule.hasActIdent() %}
{% set listclass = "listitem" %}
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
<input id="requestagain" value="requestagain" type="radio" name="activationtype">
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
<label for="requestagain">{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_TYPE_REQUESTAGAIN" }) }}</label>
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
{% endif %}
{% set listclass = "listitem2" %}
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
<input id="boughtforeign" value="boughtforeign" type="radio" name="activationtype">
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
<label for="boughtforeign">{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_TYPE_FOREIGN" }) }}</label>
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
{% include "inputhelp.html.twig" with {'sHelpId': help_id("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_TYPE_FOREIGN_DESC"), 'sHelpText': help_text("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_TYPE_FOREIGN_DESC")} %}
{% set listclass = "listitem" %}
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
<input id="usedemo" value="usedemo" type="radio" name="activationtype">
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
<label for="usedemo">{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_TYPE_DEMO" }) }}</label>
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
{% include "inputhelp.html.twig" with {'sHelpId': help_id("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_TYPE_DEMO_DESC"), 'sHelpText': help_text("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_TYPE_DEMO_DESC")} %}
{% set listclass = "listitem2" %}
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
<input id="wantbuy" value="wantbuy" type="radio" name="activationtype">
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
<label for="wantbuy">{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_TYPE_BUY" }) }}</label>
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
{% include "inputhelp.html.twig" with {'sHelpId': help_id("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_TYPE_BUY_DESC"), 'sHelpText': help_text("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_TYPE_BUY_DESC")} %}
{% set listclass = "listitem" %}
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
<input id="notlisted" value="notlisted" type="radio" name="activationtype">
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
<label for="notlisted">{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_TYPE_NOTLISTED" }) }}</label>
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
{% set blBackStep = false %}
{% set blNextStep = true %}
{% elseif oView.isLicenseRequired() and oView.getNextStep() == 'getActivationData' %}
<input type="hidden" name="fnc" value="setStep2">
<input type="hidden" name="activationtype" value="{{ oView.getActivationType() }}">
{% if oView.getActivationType() == 'boughtoxidmodule' or oView.getActivationType() == 'requestagain' or oView.getActivationType() == 'usedemo' %}
{% set oShop = oView.getSubmitLicenceShop() %}
<h4>{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_HEADLINE" }) }}</h4>
<table style="border-style: none; padding: 0; border-spacing: 0; border-collapse: collapse;">
{% set listclass = "listitem2" %}
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_MODULE" }) }}
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
{{ oModule.d3GetModId() }} ({{ oView.getModTitle(oModule) }})
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
{% include "inputhelp.html.twig" with {'sHelpId': help_id("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_MODULE_DESC"), 'sHelpText': help_text("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_MODULE_DESC")} %}
{% set listclass = "listitem" %}
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_MODVERSION" }) }}
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
{{ oModule.getModVersion() }}
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
{% include "inputhelp.html.twig" with {'sHelpId': help_id("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_MODVERSION_DESC"), 'sHelpText': help_text("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_MODVERSION_DESC")} %}
{% set listclass = "listitem2" %}
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_DOMAIN" }) }}
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
{{ oView.getSubmitLicenceDomain() }}
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
{% include "inputhelp.html.twig" with {'sHelpId': help_id("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_DOMAIN_DESC"), 'sHelpText': help_text("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_DOMAIN_DESC")} %}
{% set listclass = "listitem" %}
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_SHOP" }) }}
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
{{ oShop.getId() }} ({{ oShop.getFieldData('oxname') }})
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
{% include "inputhelp.html.twig" with {'sHelpId': help_id("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_SHOP_DESC"), 'sHelpText': help_text("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_SHOP_DESC")} %}
{% set listclass = "listitem2" %}
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_EDITION" }) }}
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
{{ oView.getSubmitShopEdition(0) }} ({{ oView.getSubmitShopEdition(1) }})
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
{% include "inputhelp.html.twig" with {'sHelpId': help_id("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_EDITION_DESC"), 'sHelpText': help_text("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_EDITION_DESC")} %}
{% if oView.getActivationType() == 'boughtoxidmodule' %}
{% set listclass = "listitem" %}
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
<label for="D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_VOUCHER">{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_VOUCHER" }) }}</label>
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
<textarea id="D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_VOUCHER" class="editinput" cols="82" name="licencekey" style="font-family: Courier, monospace; height: 60px; font-size: 10px;"></textarea>
<td class="edittext {{ listclass }}">
{% include "inputhelp.html.twig" with {'sHelpId': help_id("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_VOUCHER_DESC"), 'sHelpText': help_text("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_VOUCHER_DESC")} %}
{% endif %}
{% if oView.getActivationType() == 'usedemo' %}
<div class="clear"></div>
<p>{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_DEMO_DESC" }) }}</p>
{% endif %}
<div class="clear"></div>
{% set blBackStep = true %}
{% set blNextStep = true %}
{% elseif oView.getActivationType() == "boughtforeign" %}
<input type="hidden" name="activationtype" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="fnc" value="">
<h4>{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_FOREIGN_HEADLINE" }) }}</h4>
<p>{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_FOREIGN_DESC" }) }}</p>
<div class="clear"></div>
{% set blBackStep = true %}
{% set blNextStep = false %}
{% elseif oView.getActivationType() == 'wantbuy' %}
<input type="hidden" name="activationtype" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="fnc" value="">
<h4>{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_BUY_HEADLINE" }) }}</h4>
{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_BUY_DESC_1" }) }}
https://www.oxidmodule.com/index.php?cl=search&searchparam={{ oModule.d3GetModId() }}
{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_BUY_DESC_2" }) }}
<div class="clear"></div>
{% set blBackStep = true %}
{% set blNextStep = false %}
{% elseif oView.getActivationType() == "notlisted" %}
<input type="hidden" name="activationtype" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="fnc" value="">
<h4>{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_NOTLISTED_HEADLINE" }) }}</h4>
{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_NOTLISTED_DESC" }) }}
<div class="clear"></div>
{% set blBackStep = true %}
{% set blNextStep = false %}
{% endif %}
{% elseif oView.isLicenseRequired() and oView.getNextStep() == 'submitData' %}
<input type="hidden" name="fnc" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="activationtype" value="{{ oView.getActivationType() }}">
{% if not oView.getSubmitStatus() %}
<h4>{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_SUBMIT_SUCCESS_HL" }) }}</h4>
<p>{{ oView.getExpirationMessage() }}</p>
<textarea style="width: 600px; height: 130px; font-family: Courier, monospace;">{{ oView.getModuleSerial() }}</textarea>
{% set blBackStep = true %}
{% set blNextStep = false %}
{% else %}
<h4>{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_SUBMIT_NSUCCESS_HL" }) }}</h4>
<p>{{ oView.getNotSuccessMessage() }}</p>
{% set blBackStep = true %}
{% set blNextStep = false %}
{% endif %}
{% elseif oView.getNextStep() == 'saveSerialSuccess' %}
<h4>{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_SUBMIT_SUCCESS_HL" }) }}</h4>
<p>{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_SAVESERIALSUCC" }) }}</p>
{% set blBackStep = false %}
{% set blNextStep = false %}
{% endif %}
{% if blBackStep %}
<span class="d3modcfg_btn icon d3color-blue" style="margin: 10px 23px 0 0">
<button type="button" onclick="aElems = document.getElementsByName('activationtype'); aElems[0].value = ''; aFElems = document.getElementsByName('fnc'); aFElems[0].value = ''; document.getElementById('activationform').submit();">
<i class="fas fa-reply fa-inverse"></i>{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_SUBMIT_BACK" }) }}
{% endif %}
{% if blNextStep %}
<span class="d3modcfg_btn icon d3color-green" style="margin: 10px 0 0 0;">
<button type="submit">
<i class="fas fa-check-circle fa-inverse"></i>{{ oView.getSubmitText() }}
{% endif %}
{% include "@d3modcfg_lib/admin/inc/inc.html.twig" %}
{% include "bottomitem.html.twig" %}